As most CMAA members regularly attend the annual World Conference, the Board schedules pre- and post-Conference Board meetings; there are also summer and fall (at LLC) Board meetings, generally scheduled for two days each.
Board Service
Thank you for your interest in serving on the CMAA Board of Directors! Strong leadership shapes the future of CMAA, and we invite you to take the first step in this rewarding journey. The process begins with a nomination, and if you are a passionate and qualified candidate, we encourage you to submit your application packet to the Nominating Committee for consideration. This is your opportunity to make a lasting impact—step up and lead!
Qualifications for CMAA National Director
CMAA seeks the best and the brightest candidates to bring their passion, energy, innovation, and vision to its National Board.
The following list of qualifications would help to ensure a member’s positive contribution to the CMAA National Board and the Association’s long-term success. The hope is that each Director will bring different and special experiences, from which the members, the staff, and fellow Board members could benefit.
Please consider the following qualifications criteria when deciding to run for the CMAA National Board:
- Is a current Professional CMAA member with a minimum of 10 years of membership.
- Is a current Certified Club Manager (CCM).
- Can devote up to 15 days per year away from his/her club for CMAA-related business, such as Board meetings, chapter visits, and committee service.
- Has served as a chapter officer (chapter president is ideal). Chapters are the grassroots of our Association.
- Has participated on a national and/or At-Conference committee. The committee structure is an important part of CMAA governance and candidates should have experienced this process.
- Is willing to lead/chair a national committee, even though it may not be the one in which he/she is most interested.
- Has attended the Leadership/Legislative Conference and the CMAA World Conference.
- Is highly regarded and respected by others—an influential member of the Association and/or club management community.
- Is passionate about the continuous improvement of CMAA.
- Is a flexible, strategic thinker who demonstrates a commitment to CMAA’s mission and works respectfully with staff, committees, and fellow Board members toward goals.
- Works collaboratively and engages in appropriate debate and discussion when needed.
- Can strengthen the Association because of the expertise he/she brings from his/her professional background.
- Is informed, available, and engaged; willing to represent the Association and/or promote its interests at national events and in donor circles; willing to help bring in necessary resources.
- Is a conscientious steward who is interested in the business of developing CMAA and monitoring its health.
Potential candidates will also need to submit the following documentation/information to the Nominating Committee Chairman (c/o Kim Pasquale at the CMAA National HQ) by May 31 and June 30 respectively:
- Nomination form (May 31);
- Letter of support from his/her club president;
- Letter of support from an industry colleague;
- Candidate Profile document; and
- Candidate Platform statement (300 words or fewer).
NOTES: Nominee interviews will take place via Zoom in late July/early August. Selected candidates for the CMAA Board slate will be required to give a live prompted statement at the Leadership/Legislative Conference (September), as well as a live speech at the World Conference (January–March), annually.
Requirements and Benefits
The CMAA Board of Directors leads one of the most influential Associations in the hospitality and sports management industry. The Association represents more than 7,300 members at close to 2,500 clubs worldwide and plays a significant role in representing membership clubs to the hospitality industry, the golf industry, and the global business community. The CMAA Board of Director’s decisions have the potential to influence a $21 billion club industry.
Our membership has made the determination that while national Board members may have significant leadership duties at CMAA, their primary responsibility is to their employing clubs, and to their families. As such, there is a dedicated headquarters staff charged with providing significant Association service and support to help minimize the time required for travel as a National Director/Officer.
We hope that the information below assists you with your deliberations. Board service is a wonderful leadership opportunity to affect positive industry strategy and insight.
Each Board member chairs a CMAA national committee that may require participation at NCW, which is typically held the first week of May.
As a National Director, you may be invited to attend other meetings. National Board members serve as CMAA representatives at various chapter and industry meetings annually.
In addition to the obligatory travel time of National Board service, each Board member receives regular CMAA-related communications that may require action. For this reason, we require acknowledgment by the candidate’s Club Board noting their support of this important national volunteer role.
A CMAA national leadership role also benefits your club. You will be on the mailing lists of virtually every major business group touching the club, hospitality, and golf industries. Your decisions will affect policies that involve our industry. Your vision will ensure that your members continue to experience the level of quality, business and leisure service that they have come to expect. You and your club will be recognized globally for your collective leadership commitment to this industry.
Campaign Guidelines
The following information has been developed over time, based upon input from candidates and voters, to minimize campaign expenses as well as maintain a professional process of election. Questions or interpretations regarding these set guidelines should be directed to CMAA’s Nominating Committee Chairman:
- All campaigns are to be conducted in an ethical and professional manner.
- Nominees for the slate are discouraged from organizing campaigns to directly influence the Nominating Committee.
- No gifts are to be given away at the World Conference, or other CMAA national event, with the exception of candidate buttons, stickers, or pins.
- Candidate hospitality suites are not recommended. Chapter hospitality suites will be allowed in accordance with regular World Conference guidelines. Suites are not to be used for campaigning and are not to be advertised as such. Candidates should not attend a caucus and Chapters are discouraged from conducting them.
- Other than for educational purposes, visits to other Chapters requiring travel are highly discouraged. Candidates’ home Chapters may not use Chapter funds for any election-related expenses.
- Candidates may NOT use the CMAA logo in conjunction with their candidacy that would in any way imply they are being endorsed by the National Association or the National Board of Directors. Use of respective Chapter logos is appropriate.
- Candidates may not participate in educational presentations at the World Conference without prior approval/selection via the Professional Development Committee. The exception to this policy would be for any manager presenting his/her monograph for the MCM (Master Club Manager) program.
- Candidates should not campaign or post any promotional materials near the on-site polling place at the World Conference.
Promotional Opportunities
A 300-word platform article (deadline October 1) will appear in the Outlook newsletter issue published just prior to the World Conference.
This platform article, along with each candidate’s biographical information, will also appear on CMAA’s website at least 60 days prior to the Opening Business Session at the World Conference. Eligibility guidelines and ‘how to vote’ links will be provided to the membership at this time as well.
Important Note Regarding LLC
All candidates selected by the Nominating Committee for the CMAA Board of Directors slate are asked to attend the annual Leadership/Legislative Conference (LLC). Here candidates will provide a LIVE 90-second or less response to an assigned prompt.
Candidate responses will be presented LIVE (and videoed) during a general session at LLC; these videos will be provided online with other candidate platform materials.
Important Note Regarding the World Conference
All candidates selected by the Nominating Committee for the CMAA Board of Directors slate must be on site at the annual World Conference in time for the Opening Business Session. Here candidates will provide a LIVE two-minute or less prepared speech/candidate platform.
Newly elected Directors will be required to attend the post-Conference Board of Directors meeting held at the annual World Conference. Please be sure to check dates with CMAA staff prior to making any return travel arrangements from the World Conference.
2024 CMAA Nominating Committee
Mr. Michael D. Seabrook, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Belle Meade CC; Tennessee Volunteer Chapter
Mr. Mark A. Bado, MCM, CCE
Mizner CC; Florida Chapter
Mr. Kyle Draper, CCM
Tradition GC; Golden State Chapter
Ms. LuAnn G. Giovannelli, CCM, CAM
Bay Colony Community Association; Florida Chapter
Mr. Ross C. Lorenz
University Club of Milwaukee; Wisconsin Badger Chapter
Mr. Randy Ruder, CCM, CCE
Beach Point Club; Metropolitan Chapter
Mr. Richard D. Spurlin, CCM, CCE
Eugene CC; Oregon Chapter
Mr. Isaac W. Storandt, CCM
Wampanoag CC; Connecticut Chapter
Mr. Patrick Tobey, CCM, CCE, CEC
Washington G & CC; National Capital Chapter
Mr. Joseph "JJ" Wagner, CCM, CCE
The Wilds GC; Upper Midwest Chapter
Ms. Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
CMAA National HQ