Coaching works best when you have clear goals that are based on your needs and values. If you’re not sure what your goals should be, discuss them with the coach during the call.
Coaching Services
Through CMAA’s Coaching Program, members have the opportunity to experience what it is like to work with a life coach outside of conference week. We are pleased that Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougall of Clarity Success Coaching are on the CMAA team to bring coaching and its benefits to the membership of CMAA.
We have arranged that Kevin and Shelley will begin to give the association more clarity about what coaching is through articles, an optional monthly newsletter, and individual coaching sessions over the phone or by Zoom.
You will be able to have the experience of working with a coach by setting up a telephone coaching session directly with Kevin's company. To set up a 45-minute coaching session, contact Kevin using the button below or call the CMAA Coaching Hotline at 1 (866) 822-3481. For more information, visit:
What is Coaching?
Coaching is a process that is designed to support and enhance the best efforts of the person that uses it. Coaches are being used by top performers in business throughout world. Coaching is not a process that is designed to fix someone who is broken. Those who aspire to be the best in any field of endeavor realize that they are often too close to see from the inside what someone else can see from the outside. Men and women who strive for continuous improvement use coaches to:
- Set better goals
- Reach their goals faster
- Make Significant Changes
- Become more financially successful
- Design and live the life they want to lead
- Get ahead professionally
- Make better decisions
- Have someone to collaborate with
- Improve their relationships and family
- Make a bigger impact
- Simplify their life
- Strengthen their personal foundation
- Reduce stress and tolerations
- Increase income or revenue
- Be a better leader
Meet the Coaches
Clarity Success Coaching is located in beautiful Delta, BC, Canada. We are proud to have both clients and friends worldwide.

Kevin MacDonald
Kevin MacDonald founded Clarity Success Coaching in 2000. Kevin is deeply passionate about his work with his clients and loves living on purpose to assist those he works with to elevate their lives and live to their fullest potential. Kevin MacDonald is a Coach and Facilitator, a Communicator and a Storyteller. As a Coach he initiates action from within the people he touches. Kevin believes that knowing who you are is critical to your success. Kevin's business and management background combined with his exceptional Coaching skills make him an asset in any people development initiative.
Kevin is a member of the International Coach Federation and a graduate of Teresia LaRocque Coaching and Associates Abundant Practice Program. Kevin has received his Coach training from Coach U. Before he began coaching he spent over 20 years as a manager in the hospitality industry. His focus now as a coach is to inspire his clients and help them lean the skills in that they can use to change their lives. Kevin empowers his clients so that they can take the actions that will start to change their behavior so they begin see the results they are wanting in life.

Shelley MacDougall
Shelley MacDougall has a passion for making people win! Whether she is coaching one on one, facilitating learning for groups, or delivering keynote presentations, she brings the knowledge of a voracious learner, the experience of a dynamic facilitator, the profile of a Senior Manager, and the compassion of a mother.
After obtaining her business degree at The Ohio State University, Shelley has invested the past 19 years in training and leading others. She is grateful to have had the opportunity to work with some top organizations. At the age of 23, she began her training career as an instructor with the Dale Carnegie™ organization. She then moved to Human Resources and senior leadership positions in the hospitality industry – including Marriott International, and The Glencoe Club (Calgary, Alberta), one of North America’s leading private sports and social clubs.
She founded ‘New Reality’, a company that inspires limitless thinking through coaching, training, speaking and creating in 2006. For some of her work, Shelley joins with Kevin MacDonald of Clarity Success Coaching to deliver an enhanced package of coaching and training products.
Shelley is dedicated to creating leaders in life. She takes her business seriously, and herself…lightly!
Extraordinary Leader Program
This is a powerful, practical leadership program designed and delivered from a coaching perspective. It is perfect for:
- Front-line supervisors and managers who are directly responsible for the day-to-day performance of their staff
- Senior managers who want to have a direct impact on performance and results in their club
Get the Most Out of Coaching
This brief guide will help to maximize the value you receive from your coaching.
1. Make a list of what you really want in life.
2. Get to know yourself with more depth.
Working with a sensitive and empathetic coach is a healthy way to grow. Most clients hire a coach to accomplish several specific goals and much of the time and focus is on these goals. Yet, with coaching, don’t be surprised if you discover new parts of yourself or if you find your goals adjusting to who you really are. This discovery process is natural, so you needn’t rush it, just realize it will likely happen. Accelerated personal and professional growth is the hallmark of being coached.
3. Double your level of willingness.
Part of working with a coach is that they will ask a lot of you. It helps to be willing to experiment with fresh approaches and be open to redesign the parts of your life that you are able to right now. This will enable you to more easily reach your goals and live an integrated and fulfilled personal and professional life. You will learn to use the gifts you have to enjoy life as it was meant to be enjoyed. And before this sounds like a Hallmark card, let me tell you the kind of things a coach needs you willing to do:
- Change your behaviour, a lot
- Raise your personal standards to be very high
- Remove all sources of stress in your life
- Redesign how you spend your time
- Set goals that are much, much bigger
- Look again at the assumptions/decisions you’ve made
- Start telling the absolute truth
- Start treating people much, much better
- Stop tolerating or suffering about your life
- Get the support you need to handle a problem
- Experiment and try new things
Please make a list of the ten things you are now willing to do or change.
4. Come to your Coaching Call prepared, with an agenda.
Have a written list of things you want to share and discuss. On this list include such things as:
- Successes and wins that you’ve had during the week
- Report on any assigned tasks you may have completed
- Problems you faced, and how you handled them
- Advice you want from me re: a situation
- What you’re currently working on and how it’s going
- New skills you want to develop
- Insights, “ahas” and new awareness that excites you
- Strategies you wish to develop
Even if it feels like work, feel free to enjoy the call. After several sessions, you may find that you and the coach take a little time to catch up on those parts of our life that mean a lot to you. You might also want to share something personal and confidential.
Coaching calls aren’t gabfests, but they are enjoyable, for both parties. Coaching doesn’t need to be intense effort for you to produce the miracles you know are possible. Feel free to set the tone of the calls.
6. Keep yourself well between sessions.
Coaching can require energy: emotionally, intellectually and physically. Given this, it is advisable for you to take extraordinary care of your well being while being coached. Only you know what this looks like. The place to start is to develop a list of 10 Daily Habits which keep you well. Some of the habits my clients have developed into a routine are:
- Exercising
- Reducing fat intake
- Reading
- Listening to great music
- Flossing
- Eating more vegetables
- Meditating
- Under-promising
- Going to a 12-step meeting
- Handling a complaint
- Eliminating caffeine/drugs
- Starting to be early
- Cutting out sugar abuse
- Telling the truth
- Writing in a journal
7. Complete any assigned tasks the coach has asked you to do
This is not homework, like in grade school. These are tasks, actions, results or changes that you are telling yourself (and your coach) that you will do your best to complete before your next call. You must apply yourself and use the assigned tasks to help you achieve your personal and business goals.
The coach will provide a high degree of professionalism, integrity, honesty and personal wisdom. They offer recommendations, motivation, and encouragement to people who would like to gain mastery over their life! Please be advised that they are not working as a Counselor or Medical Advisor. The coach disclaims any and all liability to anyone who acts or relies upon the information given in my material, sessions or presentations.
Your coach agrees to hold all content of the sessions completely confidential.