Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: April 2022
Featured Strategy
2021 Finance and Operations Report Data Available
The 2021 CMAA Finance and Operations Report contains information that is helpful when looking for benchmarking data as clubs continue to increase operation and revenue. While this information focuses on the 2020 fiscal year, your Chapter members can utilize this data to see how much growth has happened and will continue to occur.
The section of the report included below is focused on food, beverage, and social events. The food, beverage, and social events departments at most clubs were significantly impacted by the forced closures throughout much of the country in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pushed down much of the banquet and event revenue, making à la carte a higher percentage of the totals. Additionally, most clubs were able to retain a large portion of their staff, so payrolls remained consistent even in the face of declining revenue.
- Nearly all the responding clubs (97 percent) reported having food and beverage facilities. For the average respondent, 23 percent of total operating revenue came from food, beverage, and social events.
- Food revenue accounted for 59 percent of total food, beverage, and social events revenue. Beverage revenue accounted for 30 percent, service charges and/or gratuity income 9 percent, and other 2 percent.
- More than half (69 percent) of the total food, beverage, and social events revenue was spent on salaries and wages for the typical respondent. Salaries and wages as a percentage of total food, beverage, and social events revenue ranged from 63 percent for the clubs with less than $3.5 million in operating revenue, to over 81 percent for clubs between $10.0-14.9 million.
- Staffing for the food, beverage, and social events department ranged from a median of 15 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) for the smaller clubs to a median of 70 FTEs for the largest clubs, with the typical club reporting a median of 30 FTEs for the food, beverage, and social events department.
- The typical club reported median food and beverage revenue per employee of nearly $50,000, while the typical club reported nearly $43,000 as the median payroll per employee (includes salaries, wages, payroll taxes and employee benefits).
- Food and beverage revenue per food and beverage facility was $482,171. As one might expect, this figure tends to increase as the overall size of club increases in terms of total operating revenue.
- Nearly 82 percent of the number of covers served in 2020 were à la carte, 10 percent were from banquets, and the remaining were from club events.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Greater Chicago Chapter who won first place in the 2021 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Student Chapter Engagement” category.
The Greater Chicago Chapter Student Development Committee set out to make 2021 one of the best. The idea: to creatively enhance GCCMA interns’ engagement and retention.
To Do
CMAA Governance:
Running for the National Board
Hey, Chapter Leaders! Do you know a colleague or two who’s ready to run for National office? Are you thinking about running? CMAA is receiving nominations now through May 31 for those interested in a spot on the National Board of Directors, 2023 term year start.
The benefits are many:
- A role in advancing the club management profession.
- An opportunity to enhance the value of CMAA to the industry.
- A part in directing information about the challenges facing club management professionals.
- A chance to exchange ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders.
CMAA’s Nominating Committee has identified qualifications criteria as well as several desired attributes, which make up the selection process for new and incumbent Board members. Interested members should consult the Board Service page for specific information or contact Kim Pasquale with any questions. Please note all required candidate documentation is due by June 30, 2022. Thank you!
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Please remind your members that CMAA Connect is a place for you to link up with your fellow club managers and share ideas and best practices. Be sure to check it out and get active in the communities if you haven’t already done so!
Managing Directors
The mid-year dues structure went into effect on April 1. National dues are $250 for a half-year of membership for all new members ($212.50 for Alumnus members). Let prospective members know that now is the perfect time to join and experience all that CMAA has to offer!
Career Services Chairman
Preparing for the Unexpected
If the last two years have taught us anything, it's to be ready for change. Unplanned events in our families, our clubs, and as volunteer chapter leaders, have made us aware that stuff happens - good and bad - and we need to plan as best we can. One of the best ways to plan is to have an up-to-date résumé as a great opportunity or dream job can materialize at any time. CMAA's job boards are burgeoning with opportunities at all levels. Taking the time to call Erin Kennedy at Professional Résumé Services is a great place to start. The initial consultation is free. Be sure to mention CMAA for a discount.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Please Note This Scholarship Deadline Change
The Club Foundation has changed the deadline for the James B. Singerling Scholarship. Our hope is that moving the deadline to October 1 instead of December 1 will allow additional time for awardees to schedule participation in the next available World Conference. Here is a list of the deadlines for 2022 applications:
- Joe Perdue Scholarship – June 1
- Student Chapter Grant – June 1
- Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship – September 1
- James B. Singerling Scholarship – October 1
- Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship – November 1
- LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship – November 1
We are very grateful to all of our Chapter leaders who help to raise awareness of the availability of scholarships. For more information, please visit The Foundation’s apply page. You can contact us online or at 703-299-4284 with any questions.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
You Can Find Conference Photos on CMAA’s Flickr Page
Did you have a great week in San Diego and want to remember? Are you putting together your post-Conference report and need a visual aid? You can find photos from CMAA’s World Conference and Club Business Expo as well as other CMAA events on CMAA’s Flickr Page.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Today’s the Last Day to Register for 2022 Virtual National Golf Day
National Golf Day serves as the pinnacle advocacy event of the year for the American Golf Industry Coalition, formerly known as We Are Golf. As a coalition of golf industry leaders, National Golf Day will celebrate its 14th annual event in 2022.
National Golf Day will take place May 10-11. The virtual event will begin with a 90-minute Virtual Industry Roundtable and Legislative Training on May 10 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. On May 11, advocates will participate in more than 200 legislative meetings with Members of Congress.
There is no cost to participate. Join CMAA’s Advocacy Committee and Legislative Chairmen in this important opportunity to make your voice heard on issues impacting our industry. We are seeking to have participation from every state represented in CMAA.
Register today! Registration will close Friday, April 8.
Membership Chairman
Visit the Membership Chairman Page
Have you checked out the “Membership Chairman” section on the Chapter Officer Resource page?
Professional Development Chairman
Browse Conference Speaker Ratings
The ratings for the education sessions from the 2022 Conference have been tabulated and the education portion of Conference was CMAA’s highest-rated ever. Chapters will often look at Conference speakers as possible speakers for chapter program. If you are interested in a speaker from the 2022 Conference, please contact the Professional Development Department and they will be happy to share the ratings for sessions as well as contact information for any presenter.
Student Chapter Liaison
Are You Prepared for the End of the School Year?
Now is a great time to check in with your student chapters ahead of the end of the school year. Student members graduating in May are eligible to receive a CMAA stole! Students should contact Christina Krueger with the address they would like stoles sent to. We’ll be sending these out in the beginning of April.
The Student Recruitment Contest ends April 30! Student Chapters have the remainder of this month to reach their Chapter’s 2021-2022 recruitment goals. Winning first and second place for this contest can win the chapter a registration grant for either the National Student Education Conference or World Conference!
Wine Society Liaison
Check Out the Spring Issue of The Grapevine!
Read the latest issue of The Grapevine for a message from the new host, information about the new board, award and scholarship winners, and industry trends.
New Member Totals
Our goal for this year in 763. Can you help us get there?
Chapter Spotlight
Miami Valley District of Ohio Valley Chapter Meets with Architect Kevin Guigou
Kevin Guigou, an architect involved in the design of hotels, clubs, universities, casinos, and resorts joined an Ohio Valley Chapter District Meeting in February. Attendees listened to Guigou discuss different projects he has worked on and learned what the four phases of a major project are: score, schedule, budget, and quality.
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!