Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: August 2023
Featured Strategy
Help Our Student Chapters Succeed This Semester
The beginning of the 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner. Our student members are getting ready to jump back in to CMAA with their student chapters and it’s crucial that they have the support of our managers to help them succeed and learn more about the club industry at large.
As you begin to think about how you can help develop the next generation of club management professionals, here are a few things for that our student chapter presidents and faculty advisors have asked for assistance with:
- Help the student chapter schedule in-person and virtual club tours.
- Invite the student chapter to any in-person events the local chapter or surrounding clubs may be having.
- Help make introductions for students with other club managers.
- Invite the student chapter to local chapter meetings.
- Hold regular calls with the student chapter to get updates and see if there is anything with which they could use your help.
- Attend or offer to be a guest speaker in any club class the university may have and help make introductions with other managers that may be interested in speaking.
- Share new updates with faculty that they could incorporate into their lessons, so their content is current and accurate.
- Share any internship, job, or volunteer opportunities with the student chapter. If you are not verified in the Verified Internship Program, please enroll ASAP!
If you have questions about which student chapters you should be engaging with or need more information about CMAA’s Student Program in general, please contact Sumayah Arcusa, Manager, Student Development. Learn more about the Student Chapter Liaison responsibilities.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

You Could Be Featured Here
Don’t forget to enter your ideas in the 2023 Chapter Idea Fair to be held in conjunction with the Leadership/Legislative Conference (LLC), September 11-13, in San Antonio, TX. You will submit your presentation electronically and CMAA will print your board(s) for you! Please have all entries submitted by August 23. We can’t wait to see your wonderful ideas!
- Listen to Let’s Talk Club Management, Episode 97: All Things to All Members & Episode 98: Supply Chain
- National Club Association, CMAA Release Framework for Effective Governance of Private Clubs
- The Club Foundation Names Ten Joe Perdue Scholars
To Do
- August 21: Register and Secure Your Accommodations for the 2023 Leadership/Legislative Conference
- August 23: 2023 Chapter Idea Fair Entry Deadline
- September 25: 2023 Club Executive of the Year Nomination Deadline
- October 31: 2024 Member Renewals Due
- Ongoing: Share the Spirit of CMAA by Emailing Your Chapter Photos to
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
The first notice for 2024 membership renewal was sent out to all current CMAA members. CMAA memberships expire on October 31. Chapter officers should remind members to renew their memberships at their earliest convenience not to incur any late fees that may be assessed in the future.
Managing Directors
This is a reminder that the Chapter Transfer process is now all online! Please provide members who need to transfer with the link to the Chapter Transfer Request Form.
Career Services Chairman
The Times They are a Changing
To better reflect the club industry's growth in recent years, CMAA has made a change to the salary ranges reflected on the Management Openings List (MOL). The new minimum salary of a job listed to this job board is $100,000. The CMAA Compensation and Benefits Survey shows that salary ranges, while still varied, have increased over the last few years. The variances are due to many factors including club size, location, number of members, and amenities offered. This change is meant to better reflect the growth of the industry and CMAA's membership. The MOL job board is a member-benefit of CMAA and continues to be most visited web page on
Jobs that are listed with a salary range that overlaps the $100,000 mark, such as a range of $90,000 to $105,000, will be displayed on both the Mid-Management Career Opportunities (MMCO) job board and the MOL job board.
If you have any questions about the changes made or on how to list a job on one of CMAA's job boards, contact Karen Woodie.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Funding the Career Lifecycle of Club Managers
It is The Club Foundation’s distinct pleasure to award scholarships and grants to students aspiring to careers in the club industry. This year there were 10 individuals awarded the Joe Perdue Scholarship and they are receiving $5,000 for tuition and fees at their respective institutions. Also, seven grants were awarded to Student Chapters to help with travel expenses related to students attending the annual CMAA World Conference and Business Expo in Las Vegas. As The Club Foundation places importance on funding the career-cycle of club managers, there are six scholarships available within the career timeline.
For more information about scholarships, deadlines, and past winners, please visit our website. You can also call us at 703-299-4284 or email us directly.
How does CF fund all those scholarships? The Club Foundation would not be able to fulfill its mission of providing grants and scholarships, if not for your generosity and that of so many others in our industry. You make a difference every time you contribute. Don’t forget to add a donation to your membership renewal this year! You can also Fuel the Future of our industry by making a subscription donation which is automatically added each month.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
2023 Club Executive of the Year Nominations Due on September 25
Help recognize and honor an extraordinary club management professional who has truly raised the bar in club management and within the CMAA community. Annually, Club Management magazine recognizes excellence in club leadership with the Club Executive of the Year Award. Originally known as the Club Manager of the Year, this distinction was created in 1985 by Club Management magazine. Today, the award focuses on club management professionals who demonstrate mentoring, create a supportive club culture, and sustain ongoing engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.
2023 Nominations must include specifics on how the nominee fosters and embraces:
- Mentoring;
- Creating a club culture that supports the staff team through on-going educational opportunities and crisis assistance; and
- Demonstrating sustained engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.
CMAA welcomes and encourages nominations from diverse backgrounds and work experiences.
Review the full criteria, judging process, and notification process.
All Nominations must be received by September 25. Contact Melissa Low with questions!
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
CMAA Joins with More than 500 Organizations to Help Build Tomorrow’s Workforce
CMAA has joined with more than 500 trade associations, professional societies, businesses, and employers to form the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition, established to build support for the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S 722 / HR 1477). The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and the Professional Certification Coalition (PCC) lead the new group.
The bipartisan, bicameral Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act would expand qualified expenses under 529 savings plans to include postsecondary training and credentialing, such as licenses and professional certifications. The bill would provide valuable tax-advantaged resources for families, students, and individuals—with or without a college degree—who pursue career growth, mid-career changes, or pathways that diverge from a typical academic route. Learn more.
Membership Chairman
August Recruitment Incentive
All members who join in the month of August receive a complimentary Education-Only badge for an upcoming World Conference and Club Business Expo. Please let prospective members know about this great incentive!
Professional Development
Explore Sonoma at the 2023 BMI Wine & Food Experience
The BMI Wine & Food Experience, October 15-20, 2023, promises to be an unforgettable opportunity for any wine enthusiast. The rolling hills and picturesque vineyards of Sonoma County provide the perfect backdrop for education, wine tastings, and exploration. Learn more and register today.
Student Chapter Liaison
Save the Date for NSEC 2023
As you’re helping prepare your student chapters for a successful fall semester, be sure to remind them to save the date for the 2023 National Student Education Conference, November 3-5 in Palm Beach, FL. Registration information will be available soon.
New Member Totals
We just passed 75% of this year's goal! Will you help us get the rest of the way there?
Chapter Spotlight
Getting to Know New Members in the St. Louis District Chapter
The St. Louis District Chapter clubs continue to value their employes and invest in them by offering CMAA membership to their general managers, and lately, middle managers, to help them grow their career in the club industry. At a chapter educational gathering over the winter, our “veteran” members were outnumbered by new members and if it weren’t for name badges, very few would know each other.
Shortly thereafter, our chapter board of directors met, and this was a top discussion. As membership grows, we as leaders needed to do a better job of folding these new members into the fabric of the chapter. To that end, the board decided that a welcome questionnaire would be created, and each new member would be asked to complete the questionnaire and send it to our managing director along with a photo, and that information would be sent to the entire chapter so that the new members could be welcomed by current members and so that everyone could put a name with a face. We also add their photo to their membership directory record on our website.
The board also decided that our new members should wear a “new member” banner on their name badge when they attend their first few events so that veteran members can approach and engage them. It is like what CMAA does at the World Conference with the banners on name credentials for Wine Society, The Club Foundation Donor, etc.
Lastly, our chapter president will host a new member luncheon at her home club a few times a year so that they can get to know each other.
These ideas have been successful for our chapter, but admittedly, there is a good deal of follow up to actually get those questionnaires and photos submitted. Everyone is busy.
Submitted by Laura Hodges, Managing Director, St. Louis District Chapter CMAA
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!