Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: August 2024
Featured Strategy
New Resources Available for Prospective Student Chapters
Prospective Student Chapters, previously known as Student Colonies, are the first step in creating a Student Chapter. CMAA has developed a Start a Student Chapter webpage to assist students, faculty, and liaison managers through the process of laying the groundwork for a new Student Chapter. This resource will help develop successful and sustainable Student Chapters and will enlighten and expose more students to the club industry.
Also, don’t forget about the new CMAA Student Chapter Directory on the CMAA website!
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Chapter Idea Fair
Enter your innovative Chapter ideas in the 2024 Chapter Idea Fair to be held in conjunction with the Leadership/Legislative Conference, September 15-17, in Washington, DC. Entries are submitted electronically, and no printing or shipping is necessary! In addition to first place winners in all categories, overall prizes will be awarded for the “Best in Show” and the “Most Transferable Idea.” Please have all entries submitted by August 26.
- Seventeen Club Management Professionals Achieve Certification
- Vache Hagopian Joins The Club Foundation Board of Governors
- The Club Foundation Names Ten Joe Perdue Scholars
- Listen to Let’s Talk Club Management, Episode 118: Verified Internship Program at Myers Park Country Club, and Episode 119: The Mid-Manager Task Force
To Do
- August 26: Register and Make Your Hotel Reservation for the 2024 Leadership/Legislative Conference and Submit Your Chapter Idea Fair Entries
- September 10: 2024 Club Executive of the Year Nominations Due
- Ongoing: Submit Your Chapter Photos and Announcements to
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
The first notice for 2025 membership renewal was sent out to all current CMAA members. CMAA memberships expire on October 31. Chapter officers should remind members to renew their memberships at their earliest convenience not to incur any late fees that may be assessed in the future.
Managing Directors
This is a reminder that the Chapter Transfer process is all online! Please provide members who need to transfer with the online form link.
Career Services Chairman
Do You Have a Personal Strategic Plan?
Just as clubs make plans and strategize for the future, so should you. Taking time to really think about what you want to achieve in your career, in six months, a year, five years, is a good start. Having short- and long-term goals can set your career on the right path. Take a few moments to read, “Take Control of Your Career (and Life) with a Personal Strategic Plan”. It can be most helpful to understand priorities at any stage of your career.
Club Foundation Liaison
Warren Arseneaux Honorary Scholarship and The Club Foundation
Beginning this year, The Club Foundation will be funding the CMAA Wine Society’s coveted Warren Arseneaux Honorary Scholarship. The scholarship was established in 2007 by the CMAA Wine Society and honors Warren L. Arseneaux, CCM, an original founder of the CMAA Wine Society and Past President of CMAA who gave many years of dedicated service to our industry. This scholarship provides support for a CMAA Wine Society member who has a passion and love for wine and covers up to $5,000 in tuition/expenses associated with attending the BMI Wine and Food Experience. Other education opportunities will be considered.
The applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of members of the Wine Society Board and the Club Foundation Allocation Committee. One scholarship is awarded annually based on the merit of application.
For more information about any of our scholarships or about donating to the Foundation, please visit our website. You can also call us at 703-299-4284 or email us directly.
The Club Foundation would not be able to fulfill its mission of providing grants and scholarships, if not for your generosity and that of so many others in our industry. You make a difference every time you contribute. Don’t forget to add a donation to your membership renewal this year! You can also Fuel the Future of our industry by making a monthly automatic subscription donation.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Club Executive of the Year Nominations Due September 10
Help us spread the word to your Chapter members and participating clubs. Annually, Club Management magazine recognizes excellence in club leadership with the Club Executive of the Year Award. Originally known as the Club Manager of the Year, this distinction was created in 1985 by Club Management magazine to honor an individual who by his or her achievements best represents the qualities found in hard-working, dedicated club management leaders. In 2008, the award was re-titled to mirror the evolution of the profession.
Today, the distinction highlights one club management professional annually who demonstrates mentoring, creates a supportive club culture, and sustains ongoing engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.
2024 Nominations must include specifics on how in the past one to three years the nominee has fostered and embraced:
- Mentoring;
- Creating a club culture which supports the staff team through on-going educational opportunities and crisis assistance; and
- Demonstrating sustained engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.
Review the full criteria, judging process, and notification process. CMAA welcomes and encourages nominations from diverse backgrounds and work experiences.
All Nominations must be received by September 10.
For questions, please contact Melissa Low, CAE, Vice President, Communications and Advocacy, at 703-739-9500 ext. 286.
Corporate Relations Chairman
Join E-Z-GO for a Webinar
E-Z-GO invites CMAA members to attend an upcoming webinar on their Green Ambassador program on Native Species Management on Thursday, September 5, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. To register, contact Samantha Mikesell.
Legislative/Advocacy Chairman
Your Accessibility Questions Answered
Ensuring your members and guests feel welcome and comfortable is a top priority for clubs. What about members and guests with disabilities? Recently, CMAA Headquarters has received several questions regarding defining access and what the club’s obligations are under the Americans with Disabilities Act:
- Does a club need to provide a single-rider golf car?
- Can a create access policies for all golf cars, applicable to all, including single rider and/or adaptive cars in inclement weather?
- How should club staff handle members or guests who request accommodation?
Get expert insight in Episode 116 of Let’s Talk Club Management podcast.
Membership Chairman
August New Members Earn Complimentary Conference Badge
All members that join in the month of August receive a complimentary Education-Only badge for an upcoming World Conference. Please let prospective members know about this great incentive!
Chapter Boundary Changes Approved
During the recent CMAA Board of Directors meeting held on July 16, 2024, the motion to change the boundaries of the Golden State and Greater Southwest Chapters was put forth and approved.
The CMAA Board has approved the following changes:
- Current Boundaries:
- Golden State—California
- Greater Southwest—Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico
- New Boundaries: In addition to California, the Golden State Chapter will include the following counties in Nevada: Washoe, Douglas, Carson City, Storey, and Lyon.
- Effective Date: The new boundaries for each Chapter will take effect on August 1, 2024.
CMAA hopes impacted members will see improved access and support in the aforementioned five counties in Nevada, as well as expanded opportunities for membership growth and engagement within the revised boundaries.
We thank the leadership of both Chapters for bringing this matter forward and for their cooperation to ensure this transition is as seamless as possible. Inquiries should be directed to the Golden State Chapter leadership or Erica Benjamin at the CMAA National Headquarters.
Professional Development Chairman
Earn Credits on CMAA University
Looking to help your fellow Chapter members earn credits toward their Certified Club Manager designation, Certification Maintenance Requirement, Honor Society, Master Club Manager eligibility, or just access educational resources for their professional development?
CMAA University, our 24/7 online learning center, is the ideal place for members to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.
It features replays of past year's informative webinar content. Including some of the most recent topics:
- The 2024 Finance and Operations Report—a comprehensive analysis of the finance and operations survey findings
- Capital Improvements Overview—a look at planning and executing capital improvements
- Navigating the Path from AGM to GM/COO—a roadmap focusing on key leadership skills, career progression strategies, and the essential competencies needed for success.
These and other resources are available to support CMAA members on their professional journey.
Learn more at CMAA University.
Research Chairman
Capital Improvements Handbook Now Available
The CMAA Capital Improvements Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide for club decision-makers embarking on capital improvement projects. By adopting a strategic and collaborative approach, engaging stakeholders, ensuring robust financial planning, and adhering to regulatory requirements, clubs can successfully navigate the complexities of capital improvements.
The Handbook delves into common pitfalls such as lack of strategy and leadership, unanticipated costs, and inexperienced project management. Emphasizing the necessity of time, patience, and strategic planning, this Handbook aims to equip club decision-makers with the knowledge required to make informed choices, ensuring each capital improvement project contributes to the club’s long-term success and reputation.
This extensive resource emphasizes the significance of building high-performing project management teams and engaging various stakeholders, including club members, throughout the journey. Available exclusively to CMAA members, the Handbook was created from the best practices and procedures explored at CMAA's Capital Improvements Symposium.
CMAA members may also access their digital copy of the Handbook through CMAA Connect in the Best Practices Exchange Community Library. Sign in is required.
Stay tuned for a four-part Let's Talk Club Management podcast series on navigating each phase of your capital improvements featuring the expertise of the Handbook's authors and experts!
Wine Society Chapter Representative
Wine Program Awards Due September 12
Entries for the Wine Program Awards are due Thursday, September 12. Need tips on preparing your entry? Check out last month's webinar "Submitting your Wine Program Award Entry."
New Member Totals
We're almost two-thirds of the way to our 2024 goal. Help us keep that progress going strong!
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!