Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: December 2023
Featured Strategy
A Giving Tuesday Thank You from The Club Foundation
This year’s Chapter Challenge on Giving Tuesday was a success. Nationwide, 2023 Giving Tuesday raised more than $3.1 Billion for nonprofits of all sizes and missions. Through your generosity and participation, The Club Foundation raised $17,601.19 to fund scholarships and grants for CMAA members and our industry (total added through midnight on November 28). This represents a small increase in total contributions received compared to 2022. Most importantly, there were 159 donations made this year, more than 30 percent higher than the number of donations received in 2022.
Many contributions this year to The Club Foundation’s Giving Tuesday campaign were generated through the Chapter Challenge. We are so grateful to each one of you who donated and deeply grateful to our Chapter Managing Directors who worked to get the word out and encourage participation. Each Chapter was assigned a fundraising goal based on Chapter size; congratulations to the team at the Wisconsin Badger Chapter who raised more than 114 percent of their goal!
Thank you to all those who donated on Giving Tuesday and congratulations to our Chapter Challenge winners:
- 1st place—Wisconsin Badger Chapter—114.91 percent of goal
- 2nd place—National Capital Chapter—110.51 percent of goal
- 3rd place—Georgia Chapter—107.03 percent of goal
In addition to scholarships and grants, The Foundation’s giving portfolio includes award grants for Chapter of the Year and New Recruitment contest winners. The Club Foundation places a priority on providing education grants to Chapters. It is our pleasure each year to support your efforts at the local level to provide the very best continuing education for your members.
Our next fundraising effort is to secure year-end gifts as the end of the 2023 tax year ends. Please consider making a year-end gift. Together with all those who donate throughout the year, YOU are making a difference in the lives of others and in the future of our industry.
There are several ways to donate:
- Make an online donation or mail a check.
- Make a stock/securities donation.
- Add a contribution to your membership renewal.
- Make a pledge to donate over time or make an online recurring donation.
- Include The Club Foundation in your estate planning.
Detailed information about all the ways that The Foundation supports CMAA members can be found on our website. As always, please feel free to call us at 703-299-4284 or send us a message with any questions you may have.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Chapter Idea Fair Winner
Congratulations to the Virginias Chapter who won first place in the 2023 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Governance” category. See how they published a guide detailing the duties and responsibilities of their Chapter’s Managing Director.
- Boris Gradina, MCM, CCE, Named 2023 Club Executive of the Year
- Listen to Let’s Talk Club Management, Episode 104: Private Club Governance Handbook and Episode 105: An Expert Look at AI
To Do
- December 20: Early Registration Deadline for 2024 World Conference and Club Business Expo
- December 31: Volunteer for a 2024 National Committee
- February 5, 2024: Idea Fair Entries Due
- Ongoing: Share the Spirit of CMAA by Emailing Your Chapter Photos to
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Review CMAA’s Antitrust Guidelines
It is a Chapter best practice to annually review CMAA’s Antitrust Guidelines to ensure your Chapter’s compliance. A few association policies or programs that might be discussed at Chapter meetings or via other means including email, online discussion boards, or list serves raise issues of antitrust and trade regulation. These areas include:
- Prices, fees, or rates, such as discounts, costs, salaries, terms and conditions of sale, warranties, or profit margins;
- Membership restrictions, categories, and termination;
- Uniform terms of sale or contract provisions.
Review CMAA’s Antitrust Guidelines to keep your chapter in compliance. As a Chapter officer, you should also ensure that your Chapter’s directors and officers insurance policy includes coverage for antitrust.
Deadline Approaching: Calling All National Committee Volunteers
As a membership organization, CMAA is governed by members to serve members. Standing and At-Conference committees are an important part of CMAA’s leadership structure and vital to its success.
Each fall, CMAA puts out a call for volunteers for Professional/Alumnus members to serve on national committees. CMAA Chapter leaders are a great resource for helping us identify potential applicants and encouraging them to submit the required volunteer service information.
Appointments are made by the incoming CMAA Chairman and designed to achieve balanced member representation from chapters and regions, club types, individual demographics, skill set, and professional experience.
Close to 150 committee openings are anticipated for 2024. Access the national committee service qualifications criteria, additional information, and the service request form. As committee placements and needs vary annually, CMAA cannot guarantee selection of all volunteer applications. Applications to serve are due by December 31.
Thanks in advance for encouraging your fellow members (or you!) to get involved with CMAA in this volunteer capacity. Member guidance and input are critical to the Association’s continued success!
Managing Directors
Members who have not paid their National dues by the end of the year will be dropped from the Association’s roster. Please look at your Chapter lists to see who has yet to renew and help us keep these members onboard. If you need assistance determining who still needs to renew, please contact the Membership Team.
Career Services Chairman
Let the Planning for 2024 Begin!
Does your club hire Interns? If so, please list your openings on CMAA's Internship Job Board. You may list one or dozens of positions and the listings are FREE. Begin by logging in on the CMAA home page. Then go to Post a Job to begin entering the information. If you have listed an internship before, you should get a message that information has been saved. All the information is easily editable making updating easy.
If you are part of the Verified Internship Program (VIP) for 2024, be sure to check the box when filling out the form. Not part of the VIP? Please consider having your club become part of the program that is aimed at nurturing and helping to bring the best trained talent into the Club Management Industry.
If you have questions on Internships or the Verified Internship Program, please contact Karen Woodie.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Brag on Your Chapter
We know your Chapter is accomplishing great things. Share your events, philanthropic activities, awards, and more. Submissions are used as space is available, and may appear in Club Management magazine, Chapter Digest, Outlook, or on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram).
Add these dates to your calendar and make plans to brag on your Chapter in the Chapter News section of the Club Management magazine!
- January/February 2024 Edition—Content Due by December 10 (Space is limited!)
- March/April 2024 Edition—Content Due by February 15
- May/June 2024 Edition—Content Due by April 10
- July/August 2024 Edition—Content Due by June 5
- September/October 2024 Edition—Content Due by July 10
- November/December 2024 Edition—Content Due by September 13
All items should be submitted electronically to Please send high-resolution photographs (300 dpi) as separate graphic files (jpg, png).
For questions, please contact CMAA’s Vice President, Communications & Advocacy Melissa Low, CAE, at 703-739-9500 ext. 286.
Legislative/Advocacy Chairman
DHS and DOL Release 65,000 Additional FY2024 H-2B Visas
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in conjunction with the Department of Labor (DOL), announced its intention to release nearly 65,000 additional H-2B visas for FY2024. In a move that mirrors its actions in FY2023, these visas will provide welcome relief for many employers as the first half Fiscal Year 2024 allocation was already exhausted as of October 11. On November 16, the DHS and DOL detailed the visas available immediately as well as the plan for the remainder of FY24. Learn more.
Meanwhile, DHS and DOL continue the efforts of the H-2B Worker Protection Taskforce in cooperation with the White House. The Taskforce has proposed policy options to address threats to the program’s integrity; vulnerabilities for H-2B workers; and the impermissible use of the program to avoid hiring US workers. In September, DHS announced a rulemaking proposal implementing program integrity measures impacting employers and increasing protections for H-2A and H-2B workers.
Membership Chairman
New Member Recruitment Contest Ends December 31
Please look at the New Member Recruitment Contest standings and see how your Chapter is doing. Most Chapters have already met or exceeded their goals! Remember, winning chapters in each size category will receive a $2,000 Education Grant funded by The Club Foundation. Congratulations on an incredible recruitment year!
Professional Development
Pre-Conference Workshops Offer an Expanded World Conference Experiences
Explore the full slate of Pre- and At-Conference Workshops & Experiences, including multi-, full-, and half-day options available at the 2024 CMAA World Conference and Club Business Expo in Las Vegas, NV:
- Hit the road with the Bicycle Chautauqua (March 2-4)
- Experience an exclusive workshop featuring top wine experts – blend you own wine, test your tasting skills, and savor a paired lunch with the CMAA Wine Society (March 4)
- Move beyond your club’s vision and effectively implement your strategic plan with GGA Partners (March 4)
- Navigate your Yacht Club management challenges with targeted education and research (March 5)
- Walk the Las Vegas Strip and experience a new Chautauqua opportunity (March 6)
Research Chairman
Welcome to the Club Employee Demographic Assessment Year Two
The Club Management Association of America designed the Club Employee Demographic Assessment (CEDA) to help evaluate the degree to which your club follows leading practices in diversity and inclusion throughout your workforce. CEDA represents a comprehensive and confidential tool for clubs to assess and benchmark themselves against other clubs. The Club Foundation and CMAA have collaborated on a survey that will provide valuable information on what will be year two of what will be a journey toward understanding the demographics of private club employees. This survey takes about 10-15 minutes and only needs one submission per club. Learn more about the project and participate.
Diversity in the workplace means employing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and education levels. Through the four components of CEDA (Workplace, Workforce, Marketplace, Supplier & Community), we hope to help each club identify their own areas of improvement, build and update practices, and implement positive changes in their day-to-day operations.
2022 saw data collected from more than 140 clubs and we look to improve upon that in year two. Please take a moment to participate and help your club take steps toward adding value to your staff. Please contact Amilcar Davy with any questions.
Student Chapter Liaison
Help Your Students Prepare for the Student Chapter and Faculty Idea Fair and Shark Tank Competition
There are two opportunities at the 2024 World Conference and Club Business Expo for Student members to show off their ideas and interests.
The Student Chapter and Faculty Idea Fair is your Chapter's chance to share as many ideas as you’d like across five different categories for a chance to win a $1,000 chapter grant from The Club Foundation. Show off everything your Chapter has done to be successful! Entries are due February 5, 2024.
The Student Shark Tank Competition is for any student member (or a group up to five) that has an innovative mind. Do you have an idea or product that you think the club industry could benefit from? Tell us about it! Learn more about this program and the chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card. Entries are due February 2, 2024.
Wine Society Representative
Join the Wine Society at World Conference
Register today for the Pre-Conference Wine Workshop: Wine Fusion: A Journey through Blending, Tasting and Innovation—featuring top wine experts Bob Paulinski, Dave Clouston, Micah Wirth, and Mark Davidson.
Grab your seat at the 2024 Annual Wine Dinner, held at DragonRidge Country Club, featuring Chef Akira Back! To purchase tickets, please email Alanna Eckard. Tickets are currently available for Wine Society Members only.
New Member Totals
We reached and surpassed this year's goal! Keep up the good work to spread the word about CMAA.
Chapter Spotlight
Wisconsin Badger Chapter Strives for Success with Strategic Planning
The Wisconsin Badger Chapter recently held our two-day Board Retreat for our Strategic Planning. Our Board defined our goals for the year outlining expectations of each of our committees that aligned with our mission to drive our chapter to new heights. Our ultimate goal is to serve our membership better than ever providing top notch education and promotion excellent opportunities for networking. We plan to grow our membership through an aggressive outreach program focused on hospitality and embracing our community. We laid out our plan and will track our progress on our newly implemented Vivid Club Platform. Our Board and Committees will stay focused on their objectives throughout the year as we strive towards our success.
Submitted by Jeff Murray, CCM, CAM, FMP
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!