Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: February 2022
Featured Strategy
Navigating CMAA’s New Website
As you’ve learned by now, CMAA debuted a significant redesign of earlier this year. Part of that accomplishment included a review of content focused on chapter officers and administrators. We’ve organized the content and changed its presentation in a way that we think is an improvement. Following is a rundown of where to find items to help you in your role. Keep in mind you’ll also want to update some of the existing links from your chapter sites. Rather than repurposing the content from, we advise that you link to content on – that way your chapter members will enjoy the benefit of updates as we make them. That’s particularly true for meetings and events as dates are added or changed.
Most importantly, keep an eye on our main page! We’ll be using the main page to call attention to the latest CMAA events, exciting content, and important announcements you won’t want to miss.
Site Login – We moved the login to the top right, which is common practice. You’ll notice that after you log in, more options are available to you here. Of note: Find your Profile Page, easy access to Credit History and the Directory.
Site Search – There's a new search tool at the top of every page. More importantly, we have organized and structured content in a way we think will make it easier to find.
Chapters – Everything from the Chapter Directory to transferring chapters is now located in one place. And the Chapter Management and Resources page is the new one-stop-shop to help all chapter officers succeed.
Learn – From BMIs and certifications to summits and the World Conference, this new section is where you will fulfill all your professional development needs. This is a great place to find dates for any current and future programs.
Award Programs – CMAA offers a variety of awards programs for chapters, and now they can all be found in this central location.
Publications – Missed an issue of Chapter Digest or an episode of the podcast? Our publications listing includes back issues as well as our new blog: The Coaching Dept.
Credit History – We’ve added new functionality to the credit history. You’ll want to know this when advising chapter members about how get or remain certified. You can now see in one click, the most recent credits (of any type) that have been added, listed chronologically. If you choose, scroll through prior months or years.
CMAA Connect – Be sure to review the communities on Connect. From time to time, we’ll post content specifically for chapters here.
Additional updates will be forthcoming so be sure to check out the site and review our future email communications. We’ll be putting new practices in place to make sure content remains relevant and soliciting feedback from you to help us improve and guide new features, so stay tuned!
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Wisconsin Badger Chapter who won first place in the 2021 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Membership Engagement” category. The Chapter developed a grant program that benefits the member and educates that member’s board on CMAA at the same time.
- Five Emerging Club Management Professionals Awarded 2022 James B. Singerling Scholarships
- Explore the All-New Club Management Magazine
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast: Ep. 67: World Conference Behind the Scenes: Part 1 and Ep. 68: Wellness in 2022
To Do
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Please save the date for the 2022 Leadership/Legislative Conference to be held September 12-14, in Washington, DC! We hope to see you all there!
Managing Directors
It’s not too late to reinstate! Members who were dropped for non-payment of their 2022 national dues simply need to submit a payment and they will automatically be reinstated. Have them log into their profile on and click on the “My Invoices” tab to locate and pay their invoice.
Career Services Chairman
List Internship Opportunities on ClubCareers
Be sure to remind your chapter members that they can list their 2022 Internship opportunities on the website. List as many of these opportunities as you club offers. CMAA has hundreds of new student members and we want to keep them involved in our industry. Listings are free and run for 12 weeks.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Who Are The Club Foundation Donors?
Each year, thousands of individuals donate to support The Club Foundation. The Foundation is deeply grateful to those of you who donate each year. We posted our FY2021 (November 2020–October 2021) donors to our website recently. Do you know anyone on the list? Check out the more than 2300 donors. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at The Club Foundation events at the 2022 World Conference – join us for the Golf Tournament on February 18, the ClubLove Fun Run/Walk and the After Dark event on February 22, and the Silent Auction which runs from February 14–22.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
A New Club Management Magazine
CMAA’s official magazine, Club Management, has been relaunched with a new look and feel along with refreshing new content specially curated for today’s challenging times.
We want to meet your expanding needs and take our publication to new heights, providing trends, insights, and best practices to help you perform at your best. Your favorite sections including the latest Member, Chapter, Club, and Industry news and the Idea Fair column continue to be featured.
The January/February 2022 print edition is now in the mail to all members and includes a full guide to the upcoming Club Business Expo at the World Conference. You can also access our new digital magazine platform offering easier online readability.
We are always looking for good news to feature in our Club, Member, and Chapter News section. Share your Chapter news today via for consideration for inclusion in the May/June 2022 edition.
Please contact CMAA’s Communications team at or 703-739-9500 with any questions.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Additional First Half FY2022 H-2B Visas Released January 28
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) have announced the release date for the 20,000 additional H-2B visas for the first half of fiscal year (FY) 2022. Their availability was first announced in December and employers have been waiting for the release date, as the original FY2022 supply was exhausted on September 30, 2021. The 20,000 H-2B visas will be available beginning January 28. Read the latest in the Legislative Report.
Membership Chairman
What is Your Chapter’s New Member Engagement Strategy?
Does your chapter use a specific strategy to engage new members? If so, are you using it? If not, think about developing and implementing one. A positive first impression is critical when it comes to retention; show new members all the wonderful things your chapter has to offer them!
Professional Development Chairman
Introduce Speakers at World Conference
The 2022 World Conference on Club Management will feature more than sixty education sessions. Each year, the Education Department relies on the kindness of volunteers to introduce the session speakers. Please consider introducing one or more sessions. The process is simple. First, visit the Volunteer Page and look for the sessions that you are planning to attend. If you see a session that you would like to introduce, you just need to click on the “click here to reserve” link and enter your information. You will be sent a confirmation email with the session date, time and room location listed. Once on site, just stop by the Member Services Pavilion about 15 minutes prior to the session and a member of the Education Department team will give you the introduction text. Each introduction takes about three minutes.
Please feel free to contact David McCabe if you have any questions. Thank you in advance to all who volunteer to introduce speakers.
Research Chairman
2021 CMAA Compensation and Benefits Report Released
We are pleased to release the results of the 2021 CMAA Compensation and Benefits Survey.
All members have access to high level information through the Executive Summary in the Best Practices Exchange community (in the library) on CMAA Connect and thru CMAA University. Participants may access the Full Report on the Research Portal.
Club Resource Center subscribers receive a copy of the print report and have access to an online data analytics platform, which allows clubs to compare their data and create customized aggregations of the survey results. If you have any questions, please contact Shawn Six at 380-223-9143 or Amilcar Davy, CMAA's Director of Research, at 703-739-9500.
Thank you for your participation in this valuable CMAA member benefit!
Wine Society Liaison
It’s Your Last Chance to RSVP for the Wine Society Business Meeting!
New Member Totals
Our goal for this year in 763. Can you help us get there?
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!