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Chapter Digest

News for CMAA Leaders: July 2022

Chapter Digest

Featured Strategy

Note the Upcoming Dates for the Proctored CCM Exam and Certification Review Course

Your Chapter members working toward their Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation have two opportunities this fall to take the exam. Individuals may take the CCM Exam proctored on August 15. To do so, eligible members must submit a Certification Petition to the Education Department, meet the exam requirements, and submit an exam registration form at least two weeks prior to the exam date. Once a member has submitted the exam registration form, the Education Department will create an invoice for the $195 exam fee.

Members eligible to sit for the exam can also register for the Joe Perdue Certification Review Course which will be held November 14-19 at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. The CCM exam will be offered on Saturday, November 19 after the Review Course. The cost of the course is $2,100. The exam fee is $195. The exam fee is not included in the fee for the course.

For more information on registering for the CCM exam or taking the Certification Review Course, members can contact Sonya Rome, Manager, Certification and Education, at 703-739-9500.

Featured Chapter Idea Fair


Don’t forget to enter your ideas in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair to be held in conjunction with the Leadership/Legislative Conference (LLC), September 12-14, in Washington, DC. Once again, you will submit your entries electronically and no printing or shipping is necessary! Also, if you plan on attending LLC and would be interested in being considered to present your idea during the Chapter Management Panel session, please make note of that when you submit your entry. The Chapter Relations Committee will preview all entries that want to be considered and will select a handful to be presented live! Please have all entries submitted by August 24.

Chapter Management Resources

All Officers

The 2023 membership year is just around the corner. Now is the time to start approaching individuals who may be interested in serving on your chapter’s board next year. New people equal new ideas. Start your search today! Consider including an article in your next newsletter asking potential candidates to express their interest in serving on your board.


Managing Directors

As we approach membership renewal season, please let us know if your members are on the move. Please send any updates to Erica Benjamin. Thank you.


Career Services Chairman

Is Social Media Sabotaging Your Job Search?

Just about everyone has a one or more social media accounts these days. Sharing, tweeting, photographing life moments for friends and family to see what it is all about. But these accounts are equally available to Search Firms and club committees looking to fill positions in a club and are often used to research candidates before offering an interview slot.

Anyone can Google a name and see what pops up. Are your accounts workplace appropriate?

  • LinkedIn—A powerful networking tool for professionals. If you have an account, be sure to check it regularly so that information about your professional life is accurate and up to date.
  • Twitter—This social media giant is all about sharing, but are you sharing too much? If your Twitter account is linked to your other professional accounts, keep the tweets appropriately business-like. If you want to share all your viewpoints - you can - just create a personal Twitter account and make it private so that you control access.
  • Instagram—Great photos, great friends… Are all of the images professional? Again, make sure your account that is linked to you professionally is work appropriate.
  • Facebook—Possibly the largest social media platform and with very large search engines. Make sure what you have is appropriate for your future boss to read.

Social media is evolving all the time, so it’s important to keep up with your personal accounts to make sure you are using those platforms that best reflect you and that you put forth your brand in a positive light. You should also be aware of any company policies regarding social media and that you follow their rules if linking work related functions.

Whether you are actively looking for a job or happily ensconced in your club, are your social media accounts portraying you in the best light? Be sure they are.



The Club Foundation Liaison

Note These Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines

Each year, The Club Foundation provides a variety of scholarships for CMAA members, faculty, and students. The Foundation is currently in the middle of the scholarship application season, and there are five key scholarships available during the remainder of 2022:

  • Faculty Research Grant—Due Date: August 1
  • Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship—Due Date: September 1
  • James B. Singerling Scholarship—Due Date: October 1 (new date this year)
  • Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship—Due Date: October 1 for Chapter review and November 1 for submission to CF
  • LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship—Due Date: November 1

Apply today!



Communications/Public Relations Chairman

Nominations Open for the 2022 Club Executive of the Year

We need your help in spreading the news to clubs represented in your Chapter that nominations are now open for the 2022 Club Executive of the Year award. Annually, Club Management magazine recognizes excellence in club leadership with the Club Executive of the Year Award. Originally known as the Club Manager of the Year, this distinction was created in 1985 by Club Management magazine to honor an individual who by his or her achievements best represents the qualities found in hard-working, dedicated club management leaders. In 2008, the award was re-titled to mirror the evolution of the role of a club management professional.

Nominate a club management professional who embodies professionalism at their club and within the CMAA community. CMAA welcomes and encourages nominations from diverse backgrounds and work experiences.

2022 nominations should include specifics on how the nominee embraces:

  • Mentoring;
  • Creating a club culture that supports the staff team through ongoing educational opportunities and crisis assistance; and
  • Demonstrating sustained engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.

All nomination information including full submission guidelines are available online. Nominations must be received by September 23.

Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of CMAA members and evaluated based on the enumerated criteria above. The Club Executive of the Year winner will be profiled in a forthcoming edition of Club Management magazine, an episode of the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast, and honored in-person at the CMAA 2022 World Conference and Club Business Expo in San Diego, CA.



Corporate Relations Chairman

Pulsar Security Offers External Vulnerability Assessment

Did you know an External Vulnerability Assessment will fulfill the cybersecurity requirements necessary for your insurance renewal and financial audit? Pulsar Security, a CMAA Education Partner, can help prepare for your next audit. Get started today.



Advocacy/Legislative Chairman

On the Horizon

It’s summer and Congress is currently working through the appropriations process. CMAA and our Coalitions are monitoring these actions to ensure that our industry and interests are represented.

Additionally, we are watching and expecting federal rulemaking shortly from the following:

  • OSHA Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings—Proposed Rule Soon
  • Department of Labor Overtime Rule—Proposed Rule Soon
  • Department of Labor Independent Contractor—Currently Holding Listening Sessions, Proposed Rule Soon

For the latest information, please visit the Legislative Report blog.



Membership Chairman

August New Members Receive Education-Only Conference Badge

All members that join in the month of August receive a complimentary Education-Only badge for an upcoming World Conference and Club Business Expo. Please let prospective members know about this great incentive!



Professional Development

Register for Fall Summits

There are several bite-size educational opportunities available this fall. The Leadership Summits, the Communications Summit, and the Chef Summit all offer short, concentrated educational opportunities for your Chapter members. Learn more and register today.



Research Chairman

2022 Finance and Operations Survey Now Open

CMAA invites you to participate in the 2022 CMAA Finance and Operations Survey. To build on CMAA's strategic plan and maintain the confidentiality of your data, CMAA again has contracted Industry Insights (an objective, independent, third-party research company) to collect and compile the results. Industry Insights has more than 40 years of experience in conducting confidential, financial, and operational benchmarking studies of this nature.  

To allow for easy survey completion as well as customized reporting tools for you and your staff, the study is hosted and maintained by Industry Insights on the CMAA Research Portal.



Student Chapter Liaison

Join Monthly Faculty Member Calls

Student Chapter Liaison Managers are invited to join the Faculty Members Monthly Calls for all the latest information on our student membership as well as engage with our Faculty Members. Student Liaison Managers are a crucial piece of a successful student membership. Learn more about your role as a Student Liaison Manager.

Our future faculty calls are scheduled for:
Friday, August 5 at 3:00 p.m. EDT

Please join us if you can but know that we send out meeting minutes after our calls, so if you miss one, you’ll still get the information. Please contact Christina Krueger with any questions.



Wine Society Liaison

Award and Scholarship Deadlines Approaching

Deadlines are approaching! Be sure to submit your entry for the Wine Program Awards and the Warren Arseneaux Scholarship.

New Member Totals

Our goal for this year is 763, and we are nearly to 70 percent! Can you help us get to 100 percent?

Review Updated New Member Totals

Chapter Spotlight

We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!

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