Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: July 2023
Featured Strategy
#CMAALeaders Set to Engage, Enrich, and Unite on the Vibrant San Antonio Riverwalk This September
Annually, the Leadership/Legislative Conference unites aspiring, current, and sustaining CMAA Leaders. Be part of this vibrant and boutique educational and networking opportunity in San Antonio, TX, September 11-13. The city’s historic Riverwalk, a 15-mile expanse running along the San Antonio River featuring restaurants, shopping, and museums, provides a lively backdrop for the event.
Enrich your personal and professional development with interactive programs and sessions, informative speakers and presentations, and engaging networking experiences, including:
Leadership Address: Superglue Your Culture Through Meaningful Connection and Abundant Appreciation
If you had the easiest, fastest, simplest, and no-cost strategy to engage, unite, and retain everyone in your club, would you want to know about it? Many passionate, brilliant, hard-working people want to do their best yet feel unappreciated and overworked. Similarly, there are well-intentioned leaders who wish to show appreciation to their people, but they’re busy and unsure if their efforts will make a difference. How do we bridge the gap between what employees need and what organizations are prepared to do?
Recognition is the answer. And it’s easy! All you need to know are the three universal strategies that work instantaneously. As a result, you’re going to raise trust, boost satisfaction, deepen a sense of belonging, and you will go down in history as the best boss and colleague – ever!
Tap into this universal need that everyone has and isn’t getting enough. Check out this preview from Recognition Expert and Leadership Address speaker, Sarah McVanel.
Legislative Address: Economic Update
Will it be recession or resilience ahead for the economy? An award-winning economist with more than 20 years of experience analyzing US monetary policy, labor markets, fiscal policy, international finance, economic indicators, and the condition of the US consumer, RSM’s Chief Economist Joe Brusuelas will provide an economic update and address the question of whether it will be a recession or a soft landing for the economy. A member of The Wall Street Journal’s forecasting panel, he regularly briefs members of Congress and other senior officials on the effects of federal policy and the factors by which executives make business decisions.
Make plans now to join this great event and engage with CMAA Leaders from around the country! And don’t forget the Chapter Idea Fair where your Chapter can share innovative ideas in multiple categories and schedule time to browse the great entries. Entries are due on August 23.
Review the full agenda. Register and reserve your accommodations at The Westin Riverwalk by August 21!
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

You Could Be Featured Here
Enter your innovative Chapter ideas in the 2023 Chapter Idea Fair to be held in conjunction with the Leadership/Legislative Conference, September 11-13, in San Antonio, TX. Entries are submitted electronically and no printing or shipping is necessary! In addition to first place winners in all categories, overall prizes will be awarded for the “Best in Show” and the “Most Transferable Idea.” Please submit all entries by August 23.
- E-Z-GO Renews Commitment to CMAA
- Listen to Let’s Talk Club Management, Episode 94: Secrets to Acing the Interview, Episode 95: Wellness Hacks, and Episode 96: Culture of Health and Wellness in Clubs.
To Do
- August 21: Register and Reserve Your Accommodations for the Leadership/Legislative Conference
- August 23: Deadline to Enter the 2023 Chapter Idea Fair
- September 25: Nominations Due for 2023 Club Executive of the Year
- Ongoing: Share the Spirit of CMAA by Emailing Your Chapter Photos to
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
The 2024 membership year is just around the corner. Now is the time to start approaching individuals who may be interested in serving on your Chapter’s board next year. New people equal new ideas. Start your search today! Consider including an article in your next newsletter asking potential candidates to express their interest in serving on your board.
Managing Directors
As we approach membership renewal season, please let us know if your members are on the move. Please send any updates to Erica Benjamin. Thank you.
Career Services Chairman
Truth in Advertising
If you have had the opportunity to place a job ad on CMAA’s ClubCareers, you know that there is an online form, filling in those sections that pertain to your organization. In Step 3 Job Details, we encourage you to be open and honest about what you and your organization need in the position. Does the new hire need to have a strong F & B background, strong in finances, have a history of growing club membership, or maybe it is all of these and more? Be sure to make a list of must haves, and what would be nice to have, as regards the experience of your next hire.
Communication is key to finding the best personnel for your club.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Student-Centered Scholarships and Grants
An important part of the mission of The Club Foundation is to support undergraduate students who are aspiring to work in the club industry. Your donations to The Foundation provide critical support for two primary student-centered programs:
The Student Chapter Grant provides Student Chapters with a complimentary registration to the CMAA World Conference and Business Expo for the Chapter President (or their representative) and a matching-funds grant to assist with related travel expenses.
Congratulations to the 2023 Student Chapters at the following institutions:
- East Carolina University (Greenville, NC)
- Fairleigh Dickinson University (Teaneck, NJ)
- Johnson and Wales University (Charlotte, NC)
- Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI)
- Niagara University (Niagara University, NY)
- University of Delaware (Newark, DE)
- University of Houston (Houston, TX)
The Joe Perdue Scholarship provides undergraduate students in Hospitality programs with direct funds for tuition and fees at their universities. This year, The Foundation increased the amount of funds provided to each student to $5,000 per recipient.
Congratulations to the 2023 Joe Perdue Scholars:
- Olive Beauchesne, Johnson & Wales University, Providence
- Grace Canzano, University of Massachusetts
- Diego Cardenas, University of Houston
- Hailey Coates, Virginia Tech
- Kalie Dahl, University of Wisconsin-Stout
- Fiona Heeney, University of Missouri – Columbia
- Rachel Lewis, Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Joshua May, Michigan State University
- Molly Passow, Niagara University
- Grace Schuler, Drexel University
Here are five key scholarships available during the remainder of 2023:
- Faculty Research Grant—Due Date: August 1
- Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship—Due Date: September 1
- James B. Singerling Scholarship—Due Date: October 1
- Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship—Due Date: October 1 for Chapter review and November 1 for submission to CF
- LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship—Due Date: November 1
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Help CMAA Honor Extraordinary Club Management Professionals
As your Chapter’s Communications/Public Relations Chair, we need your help to recognize and honor an extraordinary club management professional who has truly raised the bar in club management and within the CMAA community. Can you help share this information through your Chapter communications and events?
What? Annually, Club Management magazine recognizes excellence in club leadership with the Club Executive of the Year Award. Originally known as the Club Manager of the Year, this distinction was created in 1985 to honor an individual who by his or her achievements best represents the qualities found in hard-working, dedicated club management leaders. In 2008, the award was re-titled to mirror the evolution of the role.
Who? CMAA welcomes and encourages nominations from diverse backgrounds and work experiences. 2023 Nominations must include specifics on how the nominee fosters and embraces:
- Mentoring;
- Creating a club culture that supports the staff team through on-going educational opportunities and crisis assistance; and
- Demonstrating sustained engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.
Where? Review the full criteria, judging process, and notification process.
When? All Nominations must be received by September 25.
Contact Melissa Low, CAE with questions!
Corporate Relations Chairman
E-Z-GO Renews Commitment to CMAA
E-Z-GO has renewed its multi-year commitment to the CMAA Partnership Network. This commitment furthers E-Z-GO’s long history of supporting both CMAA and The Club Foundation. E-Z-GO was the first corporate contributor to The Foundation and since the early 1990s has supported the professional development programs offered and funded by CMAA and The Club Foundation. Read more.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Waters of the US Rule Update
In late June, the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of the Army announced their intentions to develop a rule to amend the final revised definition of 2023 WOTUS rule, consistent with the US Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Sackett v. EPA. The Agencies intend to issue a final rule expeditiously. Learn more about the Sackett decision and its implications.
Membership Chairman
August Recruitment Incentive
All members that join in the month of August receive a complimentary Education-Only badge for an upcoming World Conference and Club Business Expo. Please let prospective members know about this great incentive!
Professional Development
Understanding the Certification Process
CMAA’s certification program is the most respected in the hospitality industry and the Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation is considered the hallmark of professionalism in club management. It is a valuable and widely respected mark of a manager’s commitment to professional development and the club industry. The Let’s Talk Club Management podcast recently interviewed Brian Watkins and Sonya Rome, two of CMAA’s certification experts. Share this podcast featuring an insider’s guide to starting the certification process with your Chapter members and help them get started on their certification pathway. Listen and share now.
Research Chairman
Impact of Inflationary Increases
According to the 2023 Club Leaders’ Perspective Report, club leaders are expecting continued high inflationary increases to impact key departmental expense budgets. On average, increases to payroll expenses (7.3 percent) are expected to outpace non-payroll expenses (6.2 percent). These expectations reflect a slight increase from last year. Notably, expected increases to F&B expenses for payroll and non-payroll are slightly less than last year. Read the full report from GGA Partners.
New Member Totals
June 30 marked the half-way point in the New Member Recruitment Contest, and we are more than halfway to our goal. Will you help us get the rest of the way there?
Chapter Spotlight
Fierce & Female Leadership Spotlighted by the Upper Midwest Chapter
The Upper Midwest Chapter presented Fierce & Fearless Female Leaders 2.0 seminar on Monday, April 17. For the second successive year Chapter Education Chair Carrie Eyler, Assistant GM at the Interlachen County Club developed an experience that presented positive perspectives for females in varied leadership roles and how to embrace and show leadership not only in clubs but across the hospitality spectrum.
A prominent, well known female speaker presented a keynote address, "MAKING the TIME TO LEAD” followed by an interactive panel discussion that included CMAA members and other females from the hospitality industry. The event was attended by more than 140 individuals from our Chapter, CMAA National HQ and other CMAA Chapters across the country plus hospitality industry professionals from near and far.
Submitted by Rollie J. Carlson, Managing Director
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!