Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: June 2022
Featured Strategy
Support The Club Foundation Scholarships
Each year, thousands of CMAA members donate to The Club Foundation (CF) to help fund scholarships and grants. The generosity of donors is critical to our ability to provide scholarships and grants to applicants who want to advance their careers by participating in critical professional development activities like Business Management Institutes and Conference education sessions.
Why donate to The Club Foundation? Thousands of individuals donate to CF each year because of the people who benefit. This includes emerging and experienced club leaders, chapters, faculty, and students. In all cases, our past and prospective scholarship applicants are keenly aware of the value of professional development in their leadership path and the value of your donations in meeting those professional development goals.
How to donate to The Club Foundation:
- Text CLUBS to 41444 to donate immediately
- Click on the donate option on the website and make a one-time or monthly donation
- Make a pledge to give over time
- Mail a check to 1733 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
- Donate Stock directly to The Club Foundation
- Become a part of the Legacy Society of The Club Foundation by including a gift in your planned giving documents such as wills, bequests, and insurance policies.
No matter how you choose to donate, know that your contribution is important to the scholars who benefit from your gift. Small or large, each donation brings us one step closer to fulfilling the leadership aspirations of CMAA members.
How to apply for a scholarship or grant: All scholarships and grants are listed on the website, including details about eligibility and deadlines. Guidelines for each scholarship are included so that you know what you’ll need at hand to be able to fill out the application. The scholarship applications can be completed right on the website.
More information can be found on our website at and if you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 703-299-4284 or by using our contact page.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to all the winning Chapters in the 2021 Chapter Idea Fair. Review all the wonderful entries and see what you can implement in your Chapter. The 2022 Chapter Idea Fair categories will be announced soon, so be on the lookout!
- Twenty-Three CMAA Members Achieve Certification
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast: 74: Being Mindful and Curious and Ep. 75: All About National Golf Day
To Do
- Registration Open for CMAA Chef Summit, September 25-27, Chicago, IL
- Save the Date for the Communications Summit, August 22-24, New York, NY
- Save the Date for the Leadership/Legislative Conference, September 12-14, Washington, DC
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Engage. Empower. Connect. That is CMAA’s 2022 theme! At your next meeting, take some time to talk as a Chapter about how this theme has showed up in various ways this year – both at your clubs and in your Chapter. The Chapter of the Year Award Program will be centered around this theme and will be made available to Chapters in June. So be on the lookout and start thinking about your entry! We can’t wait to see how you’ve made this theme come to life as a Chapter.
Managing Directors
Don’t forget to notify CMAA HQ if one of your Chapter members is on the move. Email all updates to Erica Benjamin.
Career Services Chairman
Have You Taken Advantage of CMAA Coaching?
One of the benefits of being a CMAA member is being able to speak with one of CMAA’s life coaches. Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougal of Clarity Success Coaching can help you set better goals and reach those goals faster, as well as improving relationships and becoming a better leader.
Call and set up an appointment to experience working with a coach by setting up a telephone coaching session directly with Kevin's company. Call 866-822-3481 or email today. You’ll be glad you did!
The Club Foundation Liaison
Note These Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines
Fall scholarship deadlines will be here before you know it. Make sure your Chapter members are aware of these opportunities and the deadlines associated with them. Visit the apply page on our website to learn more or contact Ava Spece with any questions.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
We Want Your Good News!
CMAA is always looking to share good news about the activities and achievements of its Chapters. We know you are accomplishing great things – presenting dynamic professional development, contributing to your communities through sustained charity and philanthropic work, and having fun connecting with peers. Share your event recaps, announcements, and more with our Communications team.
Our next content deadline is July 25, for inclusion in the September/October edition of Club Management magazine. All items should be submitted electronically to
Please send hi-resolution photographs (300 dpi) as separate graphic files. Items are used as space is available, and may appear in Club Management magazine, Chapter Digest, or on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram).
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
New Resources for You
With the redesign of the new CMAA website, the Advocacy section is being refreshed. We’ve added new information outlining:
- Priority Issues, including Federal Issues and State Trends – get easy to understand information on the most relevant current issues and link directly to status updates provided through the Legislative Report blog.
- Coalitions, Education, and Events – explore how CMAA works collectively inside and outside the industry to advocate on your behalf.
- Frequently Requested Legal and Regulatory Guidance (with additional content in development) – learn about music and motion picture licensing. Additional content is in development.
From the site, you can also easily take action to support our priority issues and access the federal and state bill tracking modules through CMAA’s advocacy portal has been reorganized and it is now easier than ever to find legislation impacting your community.
- Visit the legislative portal.
- Select the "State Bills" on the top menu bar.
- Select your state from the map (if accessing from a desktop) or use the drop-down menu (if using a mobile device).
- Browse 2022 legislation.
For more information or additional resources, contact Melissa Low, CAE.
Membership Chairman
You’re Halfway Through the Recruitment Year
June 30 marks the half-way point in the New Member Recruitment Contest. How is your Chapter doing? Come up with a strategy to make the next six months a success!
Student Chapter Liaison
Join Monthly Faculty Member Calls
Student Chapter Liaison Managers invited to join the Faculty Members Monthly Calls for all the latest information on our student membership as well as engage with our Faculty Members. Student Liaison Managers are a crucial piece of a successful student membership. Learn more about your role as a Student Liaison Manager.
Our future faculty calls are scheduled for:
Friday, July 8 at 3:00 p.m. EDT
Friday, August 5 at 3:00 p.m. EDT
Please join us if you can but know that we send out meeting minutes after our calls, so if you miss one, you’ll still get the information. Please contact Christina Krueger with any questions.
Wine Society Liaison
Join the Next Wine Webinar
Don’t miss this month’s webinar with Laurent Drouhin “Discover the Wine of la Bourgogne” on June 14. You do not need to be a current Wine Society member to register.
New Member Totals
Our goal for this year is 763, and we just reached 60 percent! Can you help us get to 100 percent?
Chapter Spotlight
Oregon Chapter Tees Off for the Future of the Industry
The Oregon Chapter held their Annual Golf Tournament, dedicated to a fun day of golf and camaraderie for the entire Chapter and supporting sponsors, while advancing future leaders of our industry through the funding of multiple scholarships. The event was held on Monday, May 24, at the Oregon Golf Club in West Linn, OR, with a full field of 160 participants.