Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: June 2023
Featured Strategy
Show Your CMAA Spirit!
During his closing remarks at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo, Michael Seabrook, CCM, CCE, introduced a movement to carry CMAA throughout his year as Chairman. To show the spirit of the CMAA community at large, each CMAA Chapter and Student Chapter received a CMAA logo beach ball for use in a year-long effort to highlight all we are, all we do, and our BIG reach across the globe!
Thank you to those of you who have already sent in your pictures and videos. Please keep them coming! The pictures will be used in various places throughout the year, including Club Management magazine, in our newsletters and publications, and on social media. We will also be putting a slideshow together that will be shown at CMAA’s 2024 World & Club Business Expo in Las Vegas, NV.
Thank you for your support of this exciting and important initiative. Please remember to have the CMAA logo visible in the pictures that you submit. Get creative and let the spirit of CMAA soar!
Connecticut Chapter
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Carolinas Chapter who won first place in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Member Interest Groups and Communities” category. See how they are using mentorship in their Women in Club Management group.
"This initiative has brought recognition to all of our members that women in club management face different situations and obstacles than the men traditionally encounter."
- Black and Hunter Achieve Certification
- Registration Now Open for the Chef Summit and the BMI Wine & Food Experience
To Do
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Engage. Enrich. Unite. That is CMAA’s 2023 theme! At your next meeting, take some time to talk as a Chapter about how this theme has shown up in various ways this year—both at your clubs and in your Chapter. The Chapter of the Year Award Program will be centered around this theme and will be made available to Chapters in June. So be on the lookout and start thinking about your entry! We can’t wait to see how you’ve made this theme come to life as a Chapter.
Managing Directors
Don’t forget to notify national if one of your Chapter members is on the move. Email all updates to Erica Benjamin.
Career Services Chairman
Looking to Update Staff Job Descriptions? CMAA Can Help
When your club asks you to advertise for staff, do you already have the job description for that position on hand or maybe the one you have may be in need of a refresh? CMAA may be able to help either way. The Association may already have a sample description written and is more than happy to share. You can use all or some of the text. The best job descriptions include a short introduction that details the particular role within the club. Bulleted information can follow with specifics, the job requirements, supervisory role, if applicable, hours, salary, etc.
If you are in need of one or more job descriptions, let us check our database for samples. Please contact Karen Woodie with specifics.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Remind Your Faculty: Grant Opportunity Deadline Is August 1
The Faculty Research Grant Program supports Club Industry Research projects and efforts on the part of hospitality faculty members of accredited, four-year institutions, with established hospitality degree programs. Grantees will receive support from the CMAA Research and Education departments and be considered for funding from The Club Foundation based on the availability of funds. Applications are reviewed and evaluated for approval by the CMAA Research Committee and recipients will be required to submit an article for potential publication by CMAA.
Upcoming Fall Scholarship Deadlines:
- Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship—Due Date: September 1
- James B. Singerling Scholarship—Due Date: October 1 (new date this year)
- Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship—Due Date: October 1 for Chapter review – November 1 for submission to CF
- LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship—Due Date: November 1
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Host the 100th Episode of Let’s Talk Club Management
Want to host the Let's Talk Club Management Podcast at your Chapter or Club? Help us celebrate our 100th episode—tell us why your club ought to be highlighted or share a story you think needs telling. Co-hosts Kyle Jennings, manager, Communications, and Melissa Low, CAE, senior director, Communications and Advocacy will visit the winner’s club to record this milestone episode and your team and club will be shared with our listeners.
Interested? Submit your entry to by June 30! Contact Melissa Low with questions!
Corporate Relations Chairman
E-Z-GO Announces New Green Ambassador Program
E-Z-GO, a CMAA Strategic Partner, announces new Green Ambassador Program as part of its larger commitment for sustainability. To learn more about this program, register to attend the E-Z-GO Green Ambassador training on how to set Greenhouse Gas Targets.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Modernizing the Tax Code for Golf and Country Clubs
In May, legislation was introduced to address an issue that first galvanized the club and golf industry back in 2005. Following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, golf and country clubs were excluded from the ability to access disaster relief funds. In following years, this exclusionary language was copy and pasted into other disaster relief and opportunity zone legislation, continuing to exclude the industry from necessary funds. It was this issue that helped to spur the creation of We Are Golf (now known as the American Golf Industry Coalition) in 2006. The Coalition initially brought together CMAA, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the PGA of America, and the National Golf Course Owners Association, and today represents a broader coalition of golf organizations. Together, they sought to collaboratively advocate for the industry.
Just in time for 2023 National Golf Day, legislation was introduced to correct this ongoing issue. HR3124, sponsored by Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-NY) and Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), would modernize the US tax code. This legislation corrects language (§ 144(c)(6)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code) that disqualifies any “any private or commercial golf course, country club” from access to various forms of disaster relief and economic stimulus programs that are available to other hospitality businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, and attractions.
National Golf Day Advocates asked their Congressional representatives to consider co-sponsoring this legislation. Work continues to create a Senate version of the bill, and to expand co-sponsors. Since its introduction, Representatives Richard Hudson (R-NC) and Christopher Smith (R-NJ) have added their names as co-sponsors to the bill.
Contact your Congressional Representatives now and let them know that you support this legislation!
For more information, contact Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications & Advocacy, at 703-739-9500.
Membership Chairman
How Well Is Your Chapter Recruiting?
June 30 marks the half-way point in the New Member Recruitment Contest. How is your chapter doing? Come up with a strategy to make the next six months a success!
Professional Development
Registration Is Now Open for the 2023 Chef Summit
The CMAA Chef Summit is designed specifically for club chefs to boost their business acumen in the areas of executive presence and leadership, team and culture building, finance, and governance. Hear from professional and industry experts and share and connect with fellow chefs from around the country on emerging trends in roundtables and panel discussions. Learn, grow, and taste together, October 8-10, in Scottsdale, AZ, an amazing desert oasis and year-round luxury destination.
Research Chairman
June 9: Final Deadline to Participate in the Club Employee Demographic Assessment
There is still time to complete the Club Employee Demographic Assessment. This research survey presented with support from CMAA and The Club Foundation, will provide a baseline and snapshot of the demographics across the club industry. This three-year project will enable your club to benchmark your changing demographics over time.
Diversity of demographics in the workplace means employing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and education levels. This survey provides an awareness of where your club is demographics-wise and gives the freedom to move forward with investments for the future. Only your club will be able to view the scores for each section of the survey while the overall output will focus on the aggregate of all participants. Review the sample report.
Your club's participation and information are confidential. Please submit one response per club by June 9. If your club has already participated, we appreciate your support of this initiative. You will gain insight into your team’s diversity and assist in formulating your own DEI strategy and tactics. Your club's participation in this assessment will provide data to help CMAA build education and resources to help clubs recruit and retain diverse talent, making it attractive for everyone to choose to work in clubs. Thank you in advance for your club's participation in this important initiative!
Student Chapter Liaison
Verify Your Club’s Internship Program
CMAA has developed a Verified Internship Program to elevate and streamline club internship offerings. Because clubs differ widely in their membership size, culture, and offerings, it may be difficult for students to know exactly what they can expect from their internship experience. This verified internship criteria helps manage the expectations of students, faculty, and managers, and holistically showcases what a career in the club industry looks like.
Interested in having your club’s internship program recognized as a CMAA Verified Internship? Access the program criteria and learn more online.
Wine Society Representative
You’re Invited to Join the Wine Society Board of Managers
Do you have a passion for wine, food, and beverages, and have a desire to lead alongside your colleagues? If so, the CMAA Wine Society invites you to join the Wine Society Board of Managers starting in February during the CMAA World Conference & Club Business Expo in Las Vegas, NV.
To learn more about serving on the Wine Society Board or to nominate someone, please email Sara Thom, manager, Membership Outreach. The deadline to express interest is August 30.
New Member Totals
June 30 marks the half-way point in the New Member Recruitment Contest, and we are more than halfway to our goal. Will you help us get the rest of the way there?
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!