Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: May 2022
Featured Strategy
National Golf Day Hits Milestone
Annually, National Golf Day brings industry professionals to Capitol Hill to share the industry’s contributions and advocate for the legislative and regulatory issues impacting the industry. National Golf Day serves as the pinnacle advocacy event of the year for the American Golf Industry Coalition, formerly known as We Are Golf. The Coalition celebrated its 14th annual event on Wednesday, May 11. For the second consecutive year, the event was presented virtually, enabling the event to hit a new milestone. With more than 200 participants conducting more than 250 virtual meetings with members of Congress, every state in the US was represented for the first time in the event’s history.
Volunteer advocates from CMAA’s Advocacy Committee, Chapter Legislative Chairmen, and other interested members joined professionals from across the golf industry to educate Congress and their staff on critical issues including workforce and labor, environment, and health and wellness. Access the Legislative Report for a full breakdown of the three, priority issues.
Did You Know?
- Golf is an $84 billion industry that impacts nearly two million US jobs with nearly $60 billion in annual wage income.
- Approximately one out of every 75 jobs in the US are impacted by the golf industry—two million of 150 million. (Source: World Golf Foundation, 2016 U.S. Golf Economy Report).
- There are more than 16,000 courses at 14,000+ facilities in the US, making up 42 percent of the global golf course supply.
- The golf industry brings in approximately $4 billion annually for charity. Additionally, it is estimated that upward of 80 percent of US golf facilities host at least one charitable golf outing each year.
- Golf’s future relies on ensuring the industry’s environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The golf industry is preparing for future innovation, as resources like water and labor become less available and more expensive, while renewable energies and other technologies become more prevalent and readily available.
- Golf courses contribute to healthy ecosystems, much like park green spaces.
- On average, 26 percent of land use for golf courses is comprised of naturalized areas.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Connecticut Chapter who won first place in the 2021 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion” category.
Their Chapter formed a DEI task force to focus on important issues. This initiative is designed to bring open-mindedness, compassion and inclusiveness to the team culture and introduce awareness to the mission.
- CMAA Announces the Passing of Director of Finance, Michael Mensah
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast:
To Do
CMAA Governance:
Running for the National Board
Hey, Chapter Leaders! Do you know a colleague or two who’s ready to run for National office? Are you thinking about running? CMAA is receiving nominations now through May 31 for those interested in a spot on the National Board of Directors, 2023 term year start.
The benefits are many:
- A role in advancing the club management profession.
- An opportunity to enhance the value of CMAA to the industry.
- A part in directing information about the challenges facing club management professionals.
- A chance to exchange ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders.
CMAA’s Nominating Committee has identified qualifications criteria as well as several desired attributes, which make up the selection process for new and incumbent Board members. Interested members should consult the Board Service page for specific information or contact Kim Pasquale with any questions. Please note all required candidate documentation is due by June 30, 2022. Thank you!
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Please remind your chapter members that access to CMAA University is a member benefit that all members can take advantage of. There is no additional subscription fee if you are a CMAA member. There are many opportunities for members to earn credits on CMAA University. If one of your members needs help accessing their account, please have them use the CMAA University Contact form.
Managing Directors
We want to publicize your chapter’s events! Please send pictures and descriptions to so we can show you off!
Career Services Chairman
Don’t Forget About the Interim Management Listing
Remind your chapter members, especially those who have retired from the day-to-day management of clubs, of the Interim Management Listing which lists those individuals ready to help clubs in need of temporary management personnel. The newly redesigned page contains the names and qualifications of those available to help. Photos can also be added.
If you know of someone who could benefit from being listed, have them complete the IMS Update Form.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Make Sure Your Students Are Aware of These Deadlines
There are two application deadlines on June 1:
- Joe Perdue Scholarship: Awardees receive $2,500 paid directly to their university account to cover the cost of tuition and/or fees. The scholarship is open to any individual who is actively seeking a managerial career in the club industry and is currently attending an accredited, four-year college or university undergraduate program. Candidates must provide strong evidence that they are pursuing managerial careers in the private club industry and have completed their freshman year of college. For more details, please visit the apply page on our website.
- Student Chapter Grant: This annual grant program for CMAA Student Chapters is comprised of two parts: a complimentary student registration to the CMAA World Conference for the Chapter President and a matching-funds travel grant of $500 to assist with expenses related to attending the Conference. All student chapters of CMAA are eligible to apply. For more details, please visit the apply page on our website.
The Club Foundation awards scholarships based on the availability of funds and the merit of the application. Scholarship awards are made at the recommendation of The Club Foundation Allocation Committee and approved by the Board of Governors. If you have questions, please contact Ava Spece at 703-299-4284.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
It’s Time to Spring Clean Member Profiles
It’s time to review and update CMAA member profiles and your email preferences. Your chapter members may have a new title, email, or home address and keeping this information current helps us communicate with you more effectively. Additionally, as CMAA grows its diversity and equity efforts to better understand the demographics of our membership, please consider encouraging your chapter members to review/add their self-identification information.
CMAA members also have the option to select the categories of email information they receive from the Association. In any email from CMAA you receive, you can scroll to the bottom to adjust your subscription preferences. By customizing your selections, you can help us ensure that you are receiving the most helpful and relevant information and event announcements.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Support Still Needed for 2022 Virtual National Golf Day
Connect directly with lawmakers and their staff and make your voice heard on issues impacting our industry through the upcoming National Golf Day. Uniting a coalition of industry leaders under the banner of the American Golf Industry Coalition (formerly We Are Golf), National Golf Day was celebrated earlier this week on May 11 but it is not too late to help us reach every member of Congress with our message. We need just five minutes of your time to reach out to your Congressional representatives and become a virtual advocate for issues impacting our industry. Take action now!
Membership Chairman
Help New Members Feel Welcome
Attending your first meeting or event can be intimidating—remember to make new members feel welcome at chapter events.
Professional Development Chairman
Share Your Speaker Recommendations
Now there is an easier way to report new and exciting speakers who have spoken to your Chapter. If you would like to recommend a speaker for the Guide to Speakers & Workshops, simply enter the speaker’s information in the new Add a Speaker form. The Professional Development Department will take it from there.
Research Chairman
Visit the Best Practices Exchange on CMAA Connect
Looking for the latest Compensation and Benefits Report Executive Summary? Looking for the latest Finance and Operations Report Executive Summary? Wondering what practices other members are using at their or want to just connect with CMAA members? Please visit the Best Practices Exchange Community on CMAA Connect to join discussions impacting the industry. If you have any questions, please contact Amilcar Davy, Director of Research.
Student Chapter Liaison
Remind Your Student Members About June 1 Scholarship Deadlines
Applications for the Student Chapter Grant and the Joe Perdue Scholarship are due to The Club Foundation on June 1.
The annual grant program for CMAA Student Chapters is comprised of two parts: a complimentary student registration to the CMAA World Conference for the Chapter President and a matching-funds travel grant to assist with expenses related to attending the Conference.
The Joe Perdue Scholarship is available to any individual who is actively seeking a managerial career in the club industry and is currently attending an accredited, four-year college or university undergraduate program.
Wine Society Liaison
Join the Next Wine Webinar
Don’t miss this month’s webinar with Randall Bertao, MS, CCM, “How to Taste Like a Master Sommelier” on May 19. You must be a current Wine Society member to register.
New Member Totals
Our goal for this year is 763, and we just passed the halfway mark! Can you help us get to 100 percent?
Chapter Spotlight
Greater Chicago Chapter Helps Feed Area Children
The Greater Chicago Chapter of CMAA joined together with the Chicago Club Chefs association on Monday, May 2 and assisted in packing food for Feed My Starving Children. In total, the groups packed 631 boxes of food consisting of 13,608 meals feeding 371 children for a year. Huge kudos on this effort! Learn more about Feed My Starving Children.
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!