Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: November 2023
Featured Strategy
Welcome to the Club Employee Demographic Assessment Year Two
The Club Management Association of America (CMAA) designed the Club Employee Demographic Assessment (CEDA) to help evaluate the degree to which your club follows leading practices in diversity and inclusion throughout your workforce. CEDA represents a comprehensive and confidential tool for clubs to assess and benchmark themselves against other clubs. The Club Foundation and CMAA have collaborated on a survey that will provide valuable information in year two of what will be a journey towards understanding the demographics related to the private club employees. This survey takes about 10-15 minutes and only needs one submission per club. Find out more information about the project and how to participate.
Diversity in the workplace means employing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and education levels. Through the four components of CEDA (Workplace, Workforce, Marketplace, Supplier & Community), we hope to help each club identify their own areas of improvement, build and update practices, and implement positive changes in their day-to-day operations.
2022 saw data collected from more than 140 clubs and we look to improve upon that in year two. Please take a moment to participate and help your club take steps toward adding value to your staff. Please see the details below and don't hesitate to reach out directly to Amilcar Davy with any questions.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Chapter Idea Fair Winner
Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Chapter who won first place in the 2023 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Chapter Communications” category. See how they keep their Chapter members informed of what’s going on every Friday with “TGIF Quick Notes”.
- Nine Club Management Professionals Awarded Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship
- Jonas Club Software Renews CMAA Partnership Network Commitment
- Listen to Let’s Talk Club Management, Episode 102: Welcoming Michelle, Sumayah, and Brenden and Episode 103: Harnessing the Power of AI
To Do
- November 15: 2024 CMAA Fellows Nominations Due
- November 29: Giving Tuesday: Get in the #SpiritofGiving and the #SpiritofCMAA
- December 15: Chapter of the Year Entries Due
- December 20: Early Registration Deadline for 2024 World Conference and Club Business Expo
- December 31: Volunteer for a 2024 National Committee
- Ongoing: Share the Spirit of CMAA by Emailing Your Chapter Photos to
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
CMAA Updates Events Code of Conduct
The CMAA Board of Directors has approved an updated Events Code of Conduct Policy. CMAA is committed to fostering a welcoming environment that is safe, collaborative, and productive for supporting dialogue and discovery for all involved at CMAA national events. CMAA truly values the contributions of all attendees and participants at its meetings and events. This new policy complements our established Code of Ethics and Conduct and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement, and is applicable to both live events as well as any virtual gathering or event that is hosted by CMAA.
Please take time to review the updated policy before attending your next CMAA event.
Managing Directors
CMAA members have until December 31 to pay their 2024 National dues without penalty. Please reach out to your members who need to pay their dues so we don’t lose them!
Career Services Chairman
Career Services Chairman: Move Forward with Clarity
As clubs are gearing up for the busy fall and holiday seasons, added work, obligations, and long hours can take a toll. Remind your chapter members to scheduling time to speak with CMAA's Life Coaches to learn tips and techniques to deal with the stress. Coaches Kevin MacDonald and Shelley McDougal are seasoned professionals and can help members look back and reflect, but also move forward with purpose and clarity. Schedule a coaching session today.
Members can also get great information in the Coaching Blog. Be sure to check it out.
The Club Foundation Liaison
#GivingTuesday 2023 Is November 28
Each year, CMAA Chapters make a significant difference in the success of Giving Tuesday. Managing Directors have led the charge to encourage their members to donate to the Chapter Challenge. You can start now by visiting the Chapter Challenge link. Additional information about the Challenge, which will be like the one in 2022, will be sent to the Managing Directors very soon. Text CFGIVING to 51555 to receive text updates for the event. Text CFCHALLENGE to 71777 to choose your Chapter and donate to the Challenge!
For more information about CF scholarships, grants, and fundraising, please visit our website. You can also call us at 703-299-4284 or fill out our online contact form.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Tools & Resources Tailored for You
Communications is a never-ending job. CMAA has assembled the tools you need to be successful. Get your year started off right with CMAA’s resources to assist you with this task, including:
- The CMAA Who We Are Fact Sheet (updated 2023)
- Media Kits/Information Packets
- Sample Press Releases
- Crisis Communications Guidance
- CMAA’s Official Boilerplate text for use on press releases
- And more.
Is there another resource you need? Please reach out to CMAA’s Vice President, Communications & Advocacy Melissa Low, CAE.
Legislative/Advocacy Chairman
CMAA Files Official Comments to Proposed DOL Overtime Rule
On Friday, November 3, CMAA submitted official comments to the Department of Labor (DOL) regarding the proposed update to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rule. These comments focus specifically on the impact on our industry and club operations. In August, the DOL proposed changes to the rules governing which employees are eligible for overtime, focusing on increasing the qualifying exemption salary threshold and instituting automatic threshold updates every three years.
In CMAA’s comments, the Association requested further consideration from the DOL on multiple factors, including the flawed methodology for the initial update, the unintended consequences of automatic updates, and the need to increase the inclusion of nondiscretionary, bonuses, incentive payments, and commission. Learn more.
Membership Chairman
New Member Recruitment Contest Ends December 31
We are in the homestretch for the recruitment contest and the races are close. See if you can help push your Chapter past the finish line (and beyond!). This has already been an incredible recruitment year… let’s see if we can make it the best one ever!
Professional Development
Join the Mid-Management Webinar Series
There’s still time to register for this exciting and informative webinar series. Check out the final three webinars in the series and register today!
- November 29: Putting the Governance Puzzle Together, Tom Wallace, CCM, CCE, KOPPLIN KUEBLER & WALLACE
- December 13: Thinking Strategically, Acting Thoughtfully: Balancing Strategy and Culture in Today’s Evolving Club with Kevin Carroll, CCM, CCE, and Chris Coulter, CCM
- December 20: Protecting Your Private Status: What Every Club Leader Should Know, Brad Steele, Private Club Consultants
Research Chairman
Participate in Industry Research & Get the Data You Need
Data gathering for the 2023 Finance & Operations Survey is now underway, and we encourage you to support this important research through your club’s participation and get the data you need for informed decision making. CMAA recently announced a collaboration with Club Benchmarking, a CMAA Business Partner, to power CMAA’s annual surveys.
All CMAA members submitting complete 2022 fiscal-year-end data prior to the November 17 deadline will receive:
- A complimentary copy of the 2023 Finance & Operations Report for their club;
- A Universal Key Club Performance Indicators Report; and
- An invitation to schedule a Benchmark Review session with a Club Benchmarking analyst to review their club’s individual results.
Confidentiality of all data is guaranteed. Data will only be presented in an aggregated format.
If you have any questions, please contact Amilcar Davy, CMAA's Director of Research, at 703-739-9500.
Student Chapter Liaison
Reach Out to CMAA for Student Chapter Resources
Have any questions or need help with your recruiting efforts? Please contact the Manager, Student Development, Sumayah Arcusa. She’s a great resource and is more than willing to assist you with anything you need!
New Member Totals
We reached and surpassed this year's goal! Keep up the good work to spread the word about CMAA.
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!