Chapter Idea Fair
YoPro Book Club
Carolinas Chapter
Entry Details
In April of this year, our Carolinas YoPros chose to begin a YoPro Book Club for our Chapter YoPros. Leading this project was Ziv Scherman, CCM, from Carolina Country Club. He reached out to several of our esteemed senior Chapter Leaders for their suggestions for great books they have read, and he asked them to not only recommend a book but also lead a Zoom discussion with the YoPros who read it.
In a time of distancing and lack of personal contact, this project has brought together our YoPro community and encouraged them to continue their education by reading some of the best management books. It has also connected them with some of our best senior managers and allowed them to participate in a casual mentorship event.
[Note: This YoPro Book Club was created prior to the CMAA national Book Club.]
The first Chapter leader to respond to the call was John Schultz, CCM, CCE, CMAA Fellow, Carmel Country Club, who suggested the book, "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek. The book was selected and the selection was shared with the Chapter. On July 9, Ziv Scherman and John Schultz successfully hosted our first Zoom YoPro Book Club discussion. Every YoPro on the Zoom participated in the discussion, and they are all eager to participate in future Book Club activities.
Here's the advertisement for our next event:
John Schultz hosted a great Zoom discussion of "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek. We ended up with a good intimate group of about 10 people and had an active discussion that was incredibly led by John! It was a great kick off this group, and we are looking to keep the ball rolling and build on the initial success…Don’t Miss Out!!!
Jack Slaughter, CCM, CCE will be leading the next book club discussion. We will be reading "Why Jacob Matters: Change Culture and Cultivate Talent by Listening, Leading, and Building Accountability" by John Hiester. Yes that Hiester…the car guy! Learn more about the book, and get your copy ASAP on the book's website. Be prepared for the Zoom session in early September!

About the author
Patricia Calder