Chapter Idea Fair
Large Chapter Networking Success
Golden State Chapter
Entry Details
- Being a Large Chapter, travel to in-person events can be an inhibitor. To address this, we developed Local Area Networks (LANs) to break down our Chapter into smaller, more accessible regions or "networks."
- Created dynamic LAN Communities that focus on professional engagement and education.
- Established 12 dedicated LAN Leaders to organize activities.
- Approximately 48 in-person events annually, which always include an educational component, and these gatherings often include:
- Round tables over breakfast or lunch
- Golf outings
- Events provide valuable networking opportunities and educational credits.
- LANs empower members to shape activities and enhance their professional journey.
- Resulted in a more vibrant, collaborative, and member-driven chapter.
- Designated specific LAN areas and selected capable LAN Leaders.
- LAN Leaders:
- Schedule at least one LAN meeting per quarter.
- Receive updated member contact lists.
- Choose venues, topics, and speakers for educational sessions.
- Track attendance and submit minutes and attendance sheets.
- Reaction from members has been highly positive and enthusiastic.
- LAN Communities filled a crucial gap in professional growth, networking, and learning opportunities
- High engagement in LAN events, with members valuing the chance to connect with peers and earn educational credits.
- The collaborative and member-driven nature of LANs has been especially appreciated.
- LANs have become a cornerstone of the Chapter’s offerings, fostering a strong sense of community and advancement.

About the author
Lindsay Pizarro