Chapter Idea Fair
Past Presidents Community Donation
New Jersey Chapter
Entry Details
Our idea stemmed from the CMAA/Chapter Annual theme “Connections & Community”. The NJ Club Foundation is the fundraising arm of the NJ Chapter. In an effort to re-engage our past chapter presidents, while also reaching out to our community, the foundation created a subcommittee made up of past presidents whose sole purpose was to choose a worthwhile charity in our region for the foundation to assist. The donation was called the “Past Presidents Community Donation”. Five past presidents were involved with the selection and a few of them had not been involved in the chapter in a long time and this project was the elixir that allowed them to become reinvigorated with the chapter.
The NJ Chapter has a Past Presidents’ Council once a year to bring back the chapter past presidents for a round table discussion on what’s happening with the chapter. At our July 2019 meeting, the foundation asked the presidents if they would spearhead a project that would allow for a large donation at the community level. In order for it to have an impact, the amount of donation approved was $50,000. Both the chapter members and the past presidents were energetic and enthusiastic about the project and worked together well to make it happen. The charity ultimately chosen was Hackensack Meridian Kids Tackle Cancer Fund.
We are all very proud to have our chapter associated with this charity and hopefully we can see results in the fight against children’s cancer very soon.

About the author
Rosemary Panno