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Chapter Idea Fair

Roundtable Discussions

New Jersey Chapter

Entry Details

Challenges occur in every industry. The unique thing about the Club industry is that many of our peers are experiencing the same challenges and may have already nailed down a solution! Along with searching for a pathway to help solve challenges, we also sought to develop our skills and enhance our networking capability, specifically when week-long conferences and traveling are not necessarily a practical venture for Club professionals.   In steps the roundtable. A quick and practical way to brainstorm, problem-solve, and network in a streamlined and efficient manner.


Our roundtable discussions have become a staple of the New Jersey Chapter's educational offerings. Whether integrated into larger educational conferences or scheduled as stand-alone events, they have offered chapter members an opportunity to address challenges and find solutions.   Roundtables typically focus on a discussion topic, enabling participants to share their real-world experiences, solutions, and lessons learned.

About the author

Holly Bilotti

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