Chapter Idea Fair
Student Summit
Nebraska Chapter
Entry Details
Our chapter placed a strategic emphasis on cultivating the newly appointed student chapter at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. This meant we had to not only build a relationship with current student chapter membership, but share what club management is about to ALL students in the UNL Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management, and the Professional Golf Management program at the University.
This not only grew our relationship with the student chapter, but we were able to showcase what clubs can offer - a win win for both parties! In total, we hosted just over 250 students; what a day!
The Student Summit served as the launching board for several additional accomplishments; our chapter covered the membership cost for 20 students through our newly crafted scholarship program. In addition, we offered funds to help the student chapter board make their way to World Conference. The students have become invested in not only our chapter but in the field of club management!
Our planning committee met to determine how we would facilitate 250 plus students, not an easy feat! We started the day with everyone together hearing stories from those in the club industry, after lunch on the pool deck, students were placed into teams and led around to various stations by our members who shared their journey in the club industry and created a bond with their respective groups. PGM students were able to head onto the course, where the Director of Agronomy at our host club had fifteen minute stations set up that demonstrated everything from irrigation to aeration practices.
One of the stations the teams participated in was a career fair that each of our member clubs set up a booth at; this allowed for one on one interaction to view internship and job opportunities. Many clubs handed out "loot" and shared their club websites, membership brochures and business cards. The highest rated part of the post-event survey was the career fair as the students appreciated learning about how they could see themselves working in a club setting following graduation. In turn, most clubs were able to secure interns for the upcoming year.
Fellow chapters could easily create a similar event of hosting students from local CMAA student chapters, and share specifically what the club industry has to offer! Between educational speakers, interactive stations and the career fair, there are lots of ways in which to interact with student chapters.

About the author
Katy Boggs