Chapter Idea Fair
Summer Intern Events
National Capital Chapter
Entry Details
Our chapter prides itself on offering a robust calendar for our summer interns. We love having our summer interns at our clubs, and feel like we couldn't do the busy summer season without them. Each year our members put a lot of effort into recruiting interns and attracting them to the Washington DC area and our clubs. So while they are with us, we like to make them feel welcome, encourage a bond and a sense of community among them. Investing in our student intern programming is a way for our chapter to give back to the students and to show what the National Capital Chapter is all about, with the hopes that our interns will want to come back and work here again when they graduate, and they feel the same pride and desire to be a part of our chapter and area clubs.
We are so fortunate that our member clubs fully support student engagement and help us put together a great line up of programs. The Clubs all focus on a different area of club operations for each event. Our (3) City Club Tour, Bretton Woods Team Building Expereince, Greens & Grounds Program, Peonies & Pickleball, Beverage Management 101, all of which include club tours afford the students to see many different clubs and club cultures. Plus we invite the students to our annual Nationals Baseball Outing and our Monthly Education as our guests. We try to maximize the opportunities while still making it manageable to step away from their clubs to participate. Our clubs donate their time and resources to making this an incredible take away for our students.

About the author
Katherine Scott