Chapter Idea Fair
Yacht Club Education on the Water
Virginias Chapter
Entry Details
The Virginias Chapter will make a literal splash with our upcoming Yacht Club Education where managers will board a Marine Rover from the dock of Norfolk Yacht Club in Norfolk, Virginia to learn and experience the ends and outs of Yacht Club operations and boating. This special education and outing is in conjunction with our Annual meeting. The Chapter will set sail together to strengthen our bond, learn and reflect on the year ahead. Our geographic boundaries are very large and spread out. A drive from our western counties to this Norfolk location is far. Our Planning committee and Board wanted to offer this program to give it the extra something to draw attendance Chapter wide and create a memorable and lasting experience.
The Education Committee and Board Leadership wanted to add a wow factor to draw in participants from all over the Chapter's boundaries. The Chapter is excited and many from more traditional clubs, golf clubs and/or city clubs are looking forward to learning more about Yacht Clubs.

About the author
Kristin Fellenstein