The Coaching Dept. Blog
Who Are You Voting For?
Here we are, a few weeks into 2023. Have you been to the gym lately? If you haven’t already started to see the crowds waning, you will. Just watch. It happens like clockwork. Every. New. Year.
At the stroke of midnight (or within a few hours thereof) on December 31, millions of people proclaim their resolution for the new year – to lose weight, get fit, organize their households and offices, be a better partner, stop drinking, spend more time with family and friends… you know. And every year around this time when the resolve has diminished or vanished, most people head directly back to their old habits and ways of being. They often blame themselves and think they aren’t strong enough, or they lose the belief that they could ever have achieved their “goal”. And the old habits continue. Nothing changes. Some even draw the conclusion that change is just too difficult, or they might resolve that this is the way they were meant to be.
Now, there is nothing wrong with that approach. Unless you actually want to change. Unless you really want to grow, learn, and lean into the person you truly want to be. Unless you are willing to give up the “willpower” approach and change… who you vote for!
As your coaches, we suggest doing some inner work to first elevate your awareness. You might start by looking back at last year. What are you most proud of? What are your results? What have you learned? Which of you habits have served you well? Which have detracted you from your success? What do you want to do, have, and be – now and for the rest of your life? Or you might start with your Wheel of Life and look at how fulfilled you are in each area. Essentially, we are asking you to get clear on who you are, where you are going, and why you want to get there.
Next, after some considerable reflecting, create some goals. You might start with some long term goals that are three to five years out. Then break them down. We suggest that you continue to refine them to one year, and finally to 90 days. Ninety days is that magical timeframe that is far enough away, yet close enough to see yourself getting there. Most people stop here, without a plan. This is where the magic lies: Create a plan that includes the smallest of increments called daily actions. When actions are repeated regularly, they become habits. And habits, simply put, create who we become.
“Nothing is stronger than habit.” Ovid
In his outstanding book Atomic Habits, James Clear states “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” Let’s think about that – the type of person you wish to become. What if it’s true? What if every action is a vote? What if every time you put on your running shoes, you are voting for becoming a healthy person? What if every time you have a team meeting, you are exercising your vote to being a great leader who engages others? And what if every time you turn off your phone and truly listen to a team or family member, you are voting for being a caring, thoughtful human being?
Voting is powerful. When the votes are added up, someone is elected. And in this case, the best part is that whoever you vote for will surely be elected. Yes, all you have to do is keep voting and your person of choice will be elected. Almost guaranteed. The odds are very good. Now, of course, that’s contrary to politics, where your vote may or may not elect who you want! However, even in politics, your vote always counts. The vital deed is to continue to vote. We can never complain about who was elected if we didn’t cast a vote. The same holds true in our lives. If we aren’t voting daily for the person we want to become, then someone else might be elected, and that may or may not sit well with us in the end.
Whether or not you are a goal-setter, this voting approach works. If you don’t want to finely articulate your goals, then simply focus on the person you are becoming. Create what James Clear calls “identity-based” habits. Remember that your identity often emerges from your habits, so create habits that match your identity, or that of the person you wish to become. If you want to become an extraordinary leader of people, what daily habits (votes) could you employ that would move you in the right direction? How would you show up in conversations? What would you role model? If you want to become healthy, what small votes could you make each day in how you eat, move, rest, or sleep? And if you want to be a better partner or parent… you get the idea.
In our Extraordinary Leader program, we often remind leaders that lasting change rarely happens as a result of one single action. For most of us, it’s the compilation of several, seemingly insignificant actions (votes) that make the biggest difference over time.
Voting is powerful! Who will you vote for today?
We have several tools and resources that will assist you in achieving your goals, and most importantly, in becoming the person you truly want to become. Please reach out and book a coaching session.
Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougall are the coaches for CMAA. CMAA offers coaching as a benefit of membership. To set up a coaching session you can call 1-866-822-3481 toll free. Or you can email us at or
About the author
Kevin MacDonald
Kevin MacDonald founded Clarity Success Coaching in 2000. Kevin is deeply passionate about his work with his clients and loves living on purpose to assist those he works with to elevate their lives and live to their fullest potential. Kevin MacDonald is a Coach and Facilitator, a Communicator and a Storyteller. As a Coach he initiates action from within the people he touches. Kevin believes that knowing who you are is critical to your success. Kevin's business and management background combined with his exceptional Coaching skills make him an asset in any people development initiative.
Kevin is a member of the International Coach Federation and a graduate of Teresia LaRocque Coaching and Associates Abundant Practice Program. Kevin has received his Coach training from Coach U. Before he began coaching he spent over 20 years as a manager in the hospitality industry. His focus now as a coach is to inspire his clients and help them lean the skills in that they can use to change their lives. Kevin empowers his clients so that they can take the actions that will start to change their behavior so they begin see the results they are wanting in life.