Idea Fair
12 Days of Christmas!
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Each year, we do our best to share our appreciation with ROCC staff through a Summer Cookout impromptu "Sweet Treat" days, Chair Massage, and more. But, our favorite, was always the Employee Christmas Party where we played, shared laughs and food, and honored our tenured employees with awards.
Well, this year would prove challenging to do any of those things, still we couldn't let the holidays go by without spreading some cheer -- even from a distance! With this year we were able to spread cheer and love through our employee teams safely, which was much needed after a difficult year for all.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
For 12 days, we enjoyed fun surprises, safely sipped cocoa, scheduled family photos with Santa, and showered employees with prize drawings. Videos were filmed to announce the winner and shared via text to the entire employee base. Employees were so excited to receive the text to see who would win!
While we hope we're back in person for gatherings very soon, this idea may be here to stay no matter the year!

About the author
Casey Newman