Idea Fair
47 Street Trolley
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Trolley idea came about as a matter of convenience. We wanted to offer the membership an additional Food & Beverage outlet when another one became absent. While we offer one Turn House on each course as an option to acquire F&B, we never had an outlet for them to visit prior to or directly after their round of Golf. The menu was well thought out including food items with quick cook times and member favorite beverages. We also set up an outside “dining room” complete with overhead umbrellas and seating for 40 diners. The membership has been extremely grateful and complimentary of the new addition.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Trolley was a byproduct of our Phase NeXt renovation. More specifically, we knew we would temporarily lose our Juice Bar so we wanted to add an outlet that would offer our membership a Food & Beverage alternative. We thought placing the Trolley at our cart staging area of Golf was the most logical place, strictly as an area of high foot traffic. The results were immediate and surpassed our wildest forecasts! From May 1, 2020 through January 31, 2021, the Trolley accounted for close to $241,000 in F&B revenue. During the same time in 2019, the Juice Bar accounted for close to $97,000 in F&B revenue, equaling an astonishing 148% increase! Member support has been evident by the sheer revenue, but even more so by the outpouring of positive feedback via online comment cards and word of mouth to management and staff. They are most appreciative of the Carmel leadership for their vision of being ahead of the potential pitfall and offering a great substitute.

About the author
Diane Willi