Idea Fair
Banquet Training Program
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Due to the climate of 2021, there has been a lot of turnovers in staff. In an attempt to integrate our staff in the expectations, culture, and knowledge, we began a new training program for banquets. This program is a series that can be built on as we progress.
The first training in the series, Banquets 101, orients the new staff into the banquet department. It reviews important locations, styles of event, and possible roles they will be in during their training. Throughout the training they also have activities including product identification, a scavenger hunt, and turning a BEO into a preparation list. All activities will have a winner and prizes.
The second training, Banquets 201, is a more in depth look at events and practice. This training program included all staff to ensure everyone was getting the same information and a refresher in our standards. This program was split into four circuits: table setting, buffets, skills lab, and plated entrée service. The group was split up and management lead each circuit. The staff were able to get an in depth look at each section and practice their skills, as well as win prizes.
This has enhanced the operation in many ways. The new staff coming in feel more oriented and are able to integrate quickly. The management is able to focus on the large picture during the events instead of having to train while managing. In turn the membership doesn’t feel any focus removed from them and continues to receive the same level of service.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
As we were acquiring new staff before the holidays, we planned the first 101 to bring them into the fold before all the holiday parties. We have already had second installation of 101 for a new wave of staff. 201 was implemented during the clubs annual close. We brought all the staff in for this training the Friday before reopening to bring everyone back into the mindset of work. The club members reactions have been so positive. We receive feedback from membership consistently that the staff has does so well and they cannot tell at all that we are understaffed or new. In a club where we have historically tenured staff, this is a big compliment.

About the author
Lexi Belzer