Idea Fair
BCC Youniversity
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
At BCC, we are fortunate to have a breadth of talented members and staff with interesting life experiences and areas of expertise. As a way to foster an engaging and fun learning experience for our staff, our Human Resources Team created BCC YOUniversity. BCC YOUniversity is a continuing education program to promote personal and professional growth for all Baltimore Country Club staff. They can learn new skills from fellow staff members, members, and special guests in a variety of courses ranging from gardening and mixology to leadership and fitness. This year’s special guests included Baseball Hall of Famer Cal Ripken, Jr. and Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
This new program was first introduced to staff members at our All Staff Meeting in May 2021. Each staff member received a copy of the course catalog which detailed the program requirements and classes offered each month through the end of the fiscal year in February 2022, and a section for notetaking. Five classes are offered each month. Staff register for classes online using Sign Up Genius. Classes range from 30 minutes to an hour and are held during the workday. Following each class, staff members receive a survey about their experience. Our staff members have reacted positively from participating in the program and as of December 31, 36 classes were held with 498 participants, and 34% of staff have completed the yearly course credit requirement.

About the author
M. Kent Johnson