Idea Fair
Cars & Coffee
Cars & Coffee has been a welcome – and well supported – addition to the club’s member event program schedule. Labor Day has traditionally marked the end of the ‘season’ and holding this event on the morning of Labor day gave members something to look forward to. The event attracted some incredible vintage and classic cars and gave members an opportunity to meet other members with similar interests. It also brought members to the club at a time when they would not normally have frequented the club leading to a 250% increase in breakfast revenue over the same day the previous year!
The concept for Cars & Coffee was first dreamed up by the club’s Executive Sous Chef, David Clark, who is an antique car owner and aficionado. The idea was implemented by the Club’s Event Coordinator and the Operational Team. An email was sent out to the membership asking for antique/classic car owners to participate prior to the event being marketed to the membership population. Over 30 car owners responded and agreed to bring their car. On the day, over 150 members and their families attended the event which proved to be a huge success and will now become a staple on the club’s annual member event program.

About the author
Andrew Welch