Idea Fair
Commodore Trophy
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
A new trophy was added to the annual Bay Head Yacht Club Awards Night: The Commodore Trophy. The Commodore Trophy may be awarded only once during the two-year term of each Commodore. It may be awarded at any time during the Commodore’s term. It is to be awarded to a member (or members) of the staff who best exemplifies the BHYC standard of excellence and an extraordinary level of service while upholding the spirit of the family club. The first recipient of this award was a long-tenured employee of the Club, honored for his 30 years of dedication and service. Receiving the Commodore Trophy is a great honor to the staff at BHYC and is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and selflessness that the individual(s) displays. The trophy is displayed inside of the Club amongst some of the most prestigious of the BHYC trophies.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Commodore Trophy gives staff incentive to work to the best of their ability while showing them much-deserved recognition for a job well done. With a long-tenured staff and membership, this award allows for acknowledgment of not just a single exceptional act but years of exceptional service to the Club. Members enthusiastically support the Commodore Trophy and have added this as another gesture of their continuous appreciation to the staff.

About the author
Holly Bilotti