Idea Fair
Contain the Clutter: Club Fitting Storage Unit
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The professional staff created a golf club fitting cart storage system that only uses two storage units for the individual club heads and shafts. This system consolidated our fitting carts from six to two. One of the units organizes shafts based on manufacturer and flex and the other organizes club heads. Both storage units are easy to move from overnight storage to the teaching area on the practice tee and can be secured with a pad lock.
Prior to the new system, we had six fitting carts that were specific to each club manufacturer. We found that having so many carts made it a challenge to efficiently find the club/shaft we wanted to use during fittings. Also, we were ending up with shafts and/or club heads either missing or in the wrong carts causing us to spend way too much time looking for the product we needed for each student and re-organizing the carts each week. Finally, the excess number of carts required multiple staff members to prepare/breakdown the teaching area each day in a timely manner.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
In 2017, our golf club sales were approximately $245,000 with the vast majority of those clubs being custom fit. This simple change to our storing and organization of the fitting carts allowed the professional staff to quickly and accurately find the proper club type for each person. We were able to focus more on the person instead of looking for a misplaced item creating a better overall experience. We were also better able to secure the club components while making transportation easier on the staff. A simple solution that made a huge impact.

About the author
Philip Kiester