Idea Fair
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
We want members to find value in their money spent at Champions Run. When our club was shut down because of COVID-19, it was vital for us to get creative. Our creative director, Ben Lorenzen, did his research and found a company based out of Boston, MA that sells ice rink materials that “can be assembled in under 60 minutes”. With our frigid cold winters in Omaha, NE, this investment was well worth it.
How was this idea implemented and what have been the club members' reactions?
The ice rink has been an opportunity for members to be outside and socialize, but at a distance. Our ice rink has given members the option to ice skate, play hockey, or play curling. Staff members created homemade curling stones out of mixing bowls and concrete. Members were very excited about this addition because most people have not had the opportunity to curl before, and enjoyed learning about this sport that they usually only see on TV at the Olympics. We’ve hosted 5 curling events and all of them have sold out in minutes!

About the author
Andy Reetz