Idea Fair
BHYC's DIY Dinner Packages
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
As with many clubs, COVID regulations urged members to stay at home and limited the number of members BHYC could accommodate for dining. However, as Bay Head’s typical summer hub, we wanted to make sure we were still providing delicious food paired with great entertainment all summer long. The F&B team constructed a DIY Dinner Package series for members who were unable to join us in person for summer holidays, like Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day Weekend and the Fourth of July. The DIY Dinner Packages allowed members to support the Club by continuing to “dine” with us, and BHYC was able to hold member’s interest during an unprecedented summer season.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
To keep traditions alive, the packages came complete with everything the member would need to create an at home meal that would mirror typical holiday cuisine. It came with pre-portioned ingredients, cooking instructions and a step-by-step video to watch as they went along. Each package also came with a DIY cocktail kit. Whether it was the Cinco de Mayo Taco Kit, the Memorial Day Steak Kit or the Fourth of July BBQ Wings Kit, the membership was elated with the result. Members commented on how easy and fun the recipes were to make. The video guides, which were also posted to Instagram, were a great way to engage our younger members and the written directions worked well for those that preferred a more traditional cookbook. Going forward, members requested we continue offering these packages in the future!

About the author
Holly Bilotti