Idea Fair
Dockside Dining
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The idea behind Dockside Dining at BHYC is simple: dining on the docks. BHYC decided to amplify their resources this summer and turn their docks into an additional outdoor dining space with plenty of social distancing. Dockside Dining allowed members to tie up at the Club and have their meals delivered to them for on-boat dining. It also allowed take-out orders to be placed via the app or by calling the Club. The order could then be picked up for take-home or a catered cruise down the nearby Metedeconk River. The benefit behind Dockside Dining was to allow members to continue ordering or dining at the Club in a safe environment.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Implementing the idea was simple, as BHYC already had outdoor dining, a curbside option, and plenty of docks. BHYC successfully created an atmosphere that was unparalleled in the local community. There are no establishments on the local waterway that allow boaters to both travel by water to their dining location and stay on their vessel while receiving service directly to their boats. The dockside experience was even more well received on the weekend nights where boaters were treated to live music performed on the adjacent dock. The service was utilized nightly through July and August fulfilling nearly 600 dockside orders.

About the author
Holly Bilotti