Idea Fair
Dream Team
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Indian Hills Country Club “Dream Team” is an internal committee of staff members from various departments, and various experience levels who are creative and have an interest in enhancing the club’s event operations and provide member value. The purpose of this quarterly committee is to aid in the creative development and idea sharing when planning our many club events. The committee agenda will typically consist of an ice breaker to allow staff from various departments to get to know one another. Next we will discuss any upcoming events such as Kid’s Easter, Halloween, Centennial events, social events, etc. The committee is an open space to discuss any new fun idea or event element that will add value to the club or make something easier or more efficient. We are dreamers, and the time spent is well worth it, as frequently the most unique inspired ideas come from the most unlikely of team members. Years ago a busser came up with the idea for an Adult Easter Egg hunt. We gave it a shot and it turned out to be a huge success! This simultaneously enhances the operation and empowers our teammates, creating buy-in and loyalty. The best ideas we dream up are submitted to the Social Committee for final blessings and vetting.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Our Club’s Event Coordinator oversees the committee as that person is responsible for the planning and coordination of all club events. We plan it on a quarterly basis, and invite representatives from every department, trying to get new faces at every meeting. We get to know each other, share snacks, fun stories, and talk about upcoming events. The cost to implement this committee is almost nothing (some light snacks, and the labor cost of each attendees time for an hour or so). The value of this committee’s ideas far outweighs the cost. While the membership does not have any direct involvement with Dream Team, the quality and caliber of our event offerings has been enhanced by this committee’s existence. Our catering team routinely is able to present our Social Committee with new, fun, fresh ideas inspired by our very own team who know the operations of the club and "what will work or not work" better than anyone else.

About the author
Kaitlyn Allen