Idea Fair
Employee Pep Rally
This past fall, to kick off the golfing season, the leadership “squad” coordinated an all-employee pep-rally to cheer on the entire PVCC team toward a winning season. The pep rally theme was complete with bleachers, build- your- own nachos station, a local food truck & PVCC swag bag filled with sunglasses, lip balm, stress balls, beverage tumblers and more. The cheerleaders, which consisted of the entire executive management team, cheered to the tune of the popular song “YMCA” singing… “it’s fun to work at PVCC, it’s fun to work at PVCC! We want to thank you for working so hard! Go PVCC!” while preforming a semi-choreographed dance routine.
The staff had such a great time. It was nice for them to see their executive management team out of their suits; wearing tube socks, headbands and not taking themselves seriously. This event got the team excited for another great season. Pride + Vision + Commitment + Continuous Improvement = PVCC a great place to work! To keep the pep alive throughout the season, managers frequently ask employees to recite the club mission statement. If they can recite it, they receive PVCC BUCKS (to exchange for $20 cash with the GM).
The pep rally brainchild came from the executive management retreat. We wanted to do something fun and different while concentrating on what it means to be a team member at PVCC. A presentation about the pep rally was given at the Board of Directors meeting and they really enjoyed the team’s creativity and excitement. The Board was also impressed by how many PVCC Bucks are being given out for #missionpvcc. The entire membership is benefiting from the team focusing on the Club Mission Statement. Every action an employee makes aligns with being the premier Country Club in Arizona, oriented to family and friendship, and to be consider amount the finest Country Clubs in the United States. Go Team!

About the author
Alexandria Bearden