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Idea Fair

Employee Website



In 2019, Tara Iti Golf Club launched a fully integrated website with our Club’s software system for our Employees and 100 + Caddie core. The goal was to provide our team with relevant information about the club, it’s vision and to support our guiding principles.

Our new employee website has enhanced our club operations by improving internal communications. It also helps our employees find useful and current information and is used for training purposes. It centralizes and simplifies new employee orientation and provides them helpful knowledge about our club, local area and community. Finally the website also highlights employee accomplishments which in turn, make our team feel valued and appreciated.


The Employee website was implemented by utilizing the same platform as our current member website. It is fully integrated with our back office software system and has been very well received by all our employees and caddies. We also have access to a statistics portal on the site so we can view how many employees log into this website and also what pages are of most interest to them.

In developing the new Employee website we have been able to identify additional areas in which have benefitted our members website. These include employee and caddie bios, conservation management and local area information.

Member reactions to this site have been very positive as it assists in keeping our employees up to date with relevant information about the Club, the local area, our membership and their peers. The website also supports one of our guiding principles by creating a sense of place within the Tara Iti Community and recognizing that the employees are the software that make our club, a Club.

About the author

Matt Guzik

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