Idea Fair
Family Ice Skating
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
In winter of 2021, we wanted to provide an outdoor recreation option for families to enjoy in a safe, socially distanced environment. We rented a synthetic Ice Rink for two weeks in February before vaccinations had become accessible. We took the opportunity to create various dates for members to come to the Club and utilize our amenities. We opened the Blue Ridge Room Bar, offered smores, hot chocolate and bounce castles during the time period.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The members enjoyed being able to have an outdoor option to socialize and participate in an activity not offered at Farmington or in the Charlottesville area. They were very appreciative of our willingness to set up the ice rink and facilitate it for two weeks. We had members as young as three years old, as well as a few in their 70s skate with us. It was a great opportunity for members to mingle, and give them a unique winter activity they could enjoy as a family.

About the author
Joe Krenn