Idea Fair
Flex Scheduling Over Holiday Season
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
As we are entering the new decade, the importance of strategic workforce scheduling continues to grow in our industry. Here at Tara Iti Golf Club we offer the opportunity for our team to schedule themselves voluntarily over the holiday season.
If by chance not all shifts are covered, the Head of Department will assign shifts in accordance to their contract. Interestingly enough, to date none of our Department Heads have had to do this.
By shifting the onerous task from the Department Head to schedule over these often-important dates, our staff members take ownership of their proposed schedule. By giving up some control over these periods the employees feel empowered and take ownership which improves employee morale.
Such options can also reduce employee turnover, absenteeism and tardiness by allowing workers to flex hours around home and other family obligations.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Each Head of Department will draw up a required schedule for a particular period. Eg: Christmas and New Year and then request their team members to fill in the gaps for their suitability to work. If by chance not all shifts are covered, the Head of Department will assign shifts in accordance to their contract. Interestingly enough, to date none of our Department Heads have had to do this.
Employees are satisfied with this approach because they get to choose whether they work a holiday or not as oppose to being told to and there is no need to feel uneasy about this. It eliminates any situations regarding seniority and scheduling and decreases absenteeism and use of sick leave over the holiday period as staff have opted to be there.
Having the employees choose to work rather than being rostered on creates a more positive environment not only for our staff but also for our membership who enjoy spending time with their friends and families at the club over the holiday period.
Our members continue to appreciate our staff and everything they do to create memorable experiences for them here at Tara Iti.

About the author
Matt Guzik