Idea Fair
Fluke Fishing Tournament
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Bay Head Yacht Club’s annual Fluke Fishing Tournament offers a refreshing twist on traditional club events. The event begins with a morning of fishing, followed by an official weigh-in where prizes are awarded for junior and senior anglers, as well as perpetual trophies. The event concludes with a lively BBQ on our main dock, where members and their families can unwind and celebrate the day together.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The tournament is open to members of all ages and skill levels. Members who do not have access to a boat but would like to participate are paired with member volunteers so everyone can get out on the water. The post-tournament BBQ enhances camaraderie in a relaxed setting, and member feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Fishing tournaments are a great way to foster the intergenerational relationships that make clubs so unique.
Clubs near the water, whether salt or fresh, can structure this tournament around their local fisheries.

About the author
Holly Bilotti