Idea Fair
Frozen Friendship
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
In an effort to build a stronger connection between our summer staff and the kids at the pool, we developed a promotion we coined as ‘Frozen Friendship’. Once a day, the song “Time of my Life” is played over our sound system and during this time our pool servers, lifeguards, and bartenders go out on the pool deck with red roses and ice cream in hand. They select kids to give their rose to, and sit down with them for a 5-minute ice cream ‘get-to-know-you-date’. The staff member and the kid decide together where the date takes place, and some popular spots have been the middle of the pool, on the diving board, and the splash park!
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The members absolutely love this promotion! It’s a great way for kids to connect further with the staff they may see as their role model, and as staff, this gives us an opportunity to brighten someone’s day and also add some variety and fun into our typical day-to-day happenings. It's magical for all!

About the author
Ben Lorenzen