Idea Fair
Gingerbread Battle
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
We implemented the Gingerbread Battle in 2021 to boost morale amongst the teams across the Southworth portfolio post pandemic. Kicking off right after Thanksgiving and concluding the first week of December, this staff activation is to be set-up for members to view throughout the holiday season and use as a photo opportunity as well as showcase our teams creativity and hard work. Our departments come together as one to collaborate on their clubs' creations to try to win the Title Gingerbread Champion and receive the traveling trophy to end the year!
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Chef sources the ingredients with the allotted budget to supply the necessary supplies for the spectacular display to be showcased at the fore front of each club to be voted on by leadership. Membership looks forward to seeing these displays over the holiday season and are eagerly await to know if their club can bring home the trophy. The friendly competition builds community across the Southworth Clubs portfolio to bond with other colleagues near and far.

About the author
Haley Habosky