Idea Fair
Giving Back
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Yellow Ribbon Fund has hosted its Golf Classic at ANCC for over twelve years. Each participating foursome consists of three donors plus an injured service member. Many of these young heroes are playing with prosthetic arms or legs – or both. In addition to the golf tournament, ANCC’s Swim team holds an Aquathon where the donations they bring in go directly to the Yellow Ribbon Fund. The Arlington Career Center offers a unique job internship program for high school students with mild to moderate disabilities. ANCC accepts up to three students each semester and provides them with an opportunity to intern in our kitchen, restaurant, and housekeeping departments. This mutually beneficial partnership helps provide these students with the basic skills required for jobs in the workplace. We are also proud to support our first responders with the annual police and fire departments golf outing. In addition, ANCC supports more than 10 local high schools, colleges and universities between its Arlington and Fairfax campuses by giving their golf teams the ability to utilize the practice facilities and golf courses free of charge throughout the year. The club’s members greatly value the contributions the club has made toward the success of these local charities and the relationships they have allowed us to establish.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Army Navy Country Club community responded above and beyond expecting when it came to supporting the charities by generously donating time, food and money. A majority of the charity events ANCC, supports throughout the year are coupled with a club event. By adding a charitable aspect to a standard club event has elevated both attendance at the event and an increase in charitable contributions.

About the author
Patrick King