Idea Fair
Golf Intros
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Golf season is obviously the most anticipated time of the year for our members. They are eager to get on the course, enjoy the nice weather, and improve their game. To get our members enthused about the upcoming golf season, our team at Champions Run created golf balls with our golf staff’s photos on them. As each person's face came into the video, a person behind the camera swung at the ball on the golf range. This was a very simple way to introduce our staff members; also, we were able to give these incredible employees a token of appreciation.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Our golf videos usually get a “cult-like” following, so this video was very popular. There is something so humorous about seeing a serious golf professional’s face on a small golf ball. These balls were definitely an investment, but made our golf members laugh and made our golf staff feel appreciated and ready to go into the 2021 hectic golf season.

About the author
Brogan Kanger