Idea Fair
Golf Shop Holiday Lottery Ticket
To create excitement for our annual one-day holiday sale in the Golf Shop, each member received a custom scratch off in the mail with a personally signed note from our Head Golf Professional. The scratch off provided the details of our sale including the day, time, and use of the scratch off. Discounts varied from 30-50% in 5% increments. More of the lesser discounts were distributed with fewer high discounts available. Discounts were applied to the total purchase made and only eligible for use on the designated day.
This unique promotion allowed us to reach members across all membership categories and produced enthusiasm resulting in sales over $50,000 in one day, almost a 300% increase from previous holiday sales.
A randomly selected custom scratch off and signed note from our Head Golf Professional detailing the use of the scratch off was mailed directly to each member. The custom scratch offs garnered a lot of attention and discussion amongst our members. Members compared discounts with others as they shopped. We expect to continue to distribute custom scratch off in the future.

About the author
Erin Schlegel