Idea Fair
Hidden QR Codes
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Curiosity is something we love around our club. Creating the unusual and asking questions is the foundation of our creativity. QR codes are not anything new, however, how often do you scan them? What if there was one just spray painted in the middle of the street? Would you scan it? where would it direct you? We asked that same question and we decided to put up hidden and random QR codes around the property to test it out. If you scanned THEM, it would redirect you to a webpage that said congrats on your curiosity – you won a free entrée! This was a fun and unique idea that targeted curious kids and adults.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
We used a qr website to generate The codes and then had our staff hide them around the property. When word got out, members began to do scavenger hunts to look for the QR codes. The unique part about this concept is that on the webpage you were directed to after scanning the QR code – it stated to keep the secret of the QR code. We all know secrets spread like wildfire and we had to start hiding our QR codes in harder positions. This was a cool concept our members enjoyed as it kept them entertained while at the club.

About the author
Allison Boyd