Idea Fair
Barrel-Aged Holiday Gift Basket
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Country Club of Buffalo took advantage of the loosened off-premise alcohol sales laws this year and sold holiday gift baskets. The basket included etched crystal rocks glasses, branded wooden coasters and a customized one-liter aging barrel filled with Maple Old Fashioned. In an untraditional holiday season where no gatherings or parties were permitted, we found it extremely important to keep the membership connected to the club. The Maple Old Fashioned certainly gave members a warm & fuzzy feeling and helped to spread some holiday “Cheers."
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Twenty-five gift baskets were produced and presold. The idea was marketed by a video and all gift sets were sold within a week. The club received overwhelming complements on both the concept and the quality of the cocktail inside. Multiple members and recipients of the gifts have asked for refills for their aging barrels—which I consider to be the ultimate compliment.

About the author
Will Norem