Idea Fair
Innovative Spa Services
We are limited on spa services offered due to budget and space. Offering Reiki in the open room twice a month offers clients a new wellness service that requires no product cost to CCV. It also doesn’t require running water, special furniture, or equipment so it was relatively easy to add to the services we offer at the spa. We hired a master Reiki therapist to provide new wellness options that are low on investment cost and space needs. After beginning to offer Reiki in August, we are now filling both days per month with 4-6 clients per day and receiving very positive feedback.
Taking to heart the CCV motto, An Evolution to Excellence through Continuous Improvement, the spa introduced Reiki this year. Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that helps to balance energies in the body called Chakras. It is especially effective for anyone going through physical or emotional stress. The CCV spa is always looking for cost effective ways to bring cutting edge services to our members. Reiki is both of those things. It costs nothing to do but is not that common in traditional country club spa services. Our clients who have utilized this service feel its benefits and have given wonderful feedback!

About the author
Anne Stryhn