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Idea Fair

Junior Loyalty Coin


The "Junior Loyalty Coin" reaches across departmental lines and connects all operations. Juniors from 2 to 16 receive these from Rainier Staff for good deeds, participation and attendance to specialty events at the Club.

Rainier juniors can spend or save Loyalty coins for use around the Club (Food, Beverage, Golf, Pool and more...) With a value system of coin worth, junior choose when they wish to "cash in" on goods around the Club.

Since this program started, juniors look froward to visiting the Club for their opportunity to earn a loyalty coin or spend them.


The Loyalty Program started with a Junior Social on the main patio this last Spring, the entire family attended. After some junior related foods, beverages and prizes.... Each junior was given a Loyalty Coin for attending along with a value system chart they or Mom and Dad could take home with them.

Now Moms and Dads look out for Loyalty Coin sponsored events and staff look out for juniors doing good things to award them with a coin. Everyone is involved! Parents Love it! Children Love it!

About the author

Bryon Hammock

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