Idea Fair
Just STOP Spending Money
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
With the COVID-19 Pandemic hitting everyone in the checkbook, GCC applied a team-effort strategy to saving money... Just Stop It. Well, we all know it’s not that simple. It costs money to run a Club, or any business for that matter. But we asked our team to dig deep to see what they could come up with to save money for the Club - only ordering the items and services that were necessary and useful.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The printed newsletter became an online publication that was distributed via email bi-weekly to inform the Members of ever-changing Club operations based upon governmental regulations. Additionally, we produced instructional, fitness and entertainment videos to include in the newsletter to keep members engaged in the Club while they were sequestered to their homes. Therefore we saved on printing and postage costs.
The statements became email only - members had to opt-in to receive a printed statement. This saved on printing and postage costs. We scaled back on the plant service - removing plants in areas of the Clubhouse that were not being used. Due to the COVID restrictions, we stopped using linens on the tables and towels in the Fitness Center, Golf and Tennis (for a time) which saved on our outsourced linen expense.
The Holiday decorations in the Clubhouse were scaled back, yet reflected the timeless elegance of the Club in a very traditional and tasteful way. The members were very happy with the decorations. Staff worked with local vendors to procure items at a cost savings.
We hired a full-time maintenance person with experience in carpentry. He was able to construct a new, custom golf pro shop counter for under $3,000 when it was going to cost $15,000 to have one made. We began an auto-deduction program for our lunch periods to ensure all employees were punching out during a lunch break.
We combined the different restaurant menu concepts into a “One Menu” - adding all of the Members’ favorite dishes. There is one menu for Breakfast, one of Lunch and one for Dinner, no matter which dining outlet Members are dining in. This concept assists in purchasing larger quantities with less waste.
A To-Go option for major holidays has been a hit at the Club, and has saved on in-person events where we would have flowers, linens, musicians, etc., all while keeping the Members engaged in the Club.

About the author
Terra Waldron