Idea Fair
Keelboat Race Team
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
RCYC’s New Youth Keelboat Race Team is targeted at young members and provides a connection between youth and adult programming. Participants are taught skills that will allow them to be successful in offshore keelboat racing. The team trains from May to October on weeknights and weekends and competes in many local events. Of 20 participants 100% have converted from youth to senior memberships. This team connects our youth sailors to the senior club an area that has been weak traditionally.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
RCYC partnered with Atlas Ocean Racing to provide a boat, instruction, and access to international events. This has been extremely popular among young sailors as well as senior club members.
Graduates from the program are now coaching the team creating a tight knit community.
New members have joined specifically to become involved in the Race Team.

About the author
David Brightling