Idea Fair
Kraken Cup
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
At Champions Run, we really wanted to host a field day for our swim team. Lo and behold, The Kraken Cup was born. The Champions Run Krakens Swim Team split into four colors and competed in a series of challenges during the evening. Games included beach ball volleyball, riddle master, water balloon launch, tug-of-war, synchronized swimming, slip-n-slide relay, and more! The Cup was a point based competition which also included scoring on sportsmanship and team spirit. Included in the festivities were an opening and closing ceremonies. The whole event was greatly received with an outstanding turnout!
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
We implemented this idea by splitting coaches and our high school swimmers into the four teams, having a draft to figure out teams. Throughout the summer, we advertised building up the hype for the event, ending up with over 250 kids participating. We held the event on a day when the club was closed, so we could use the pool, golf course and clubhouse for the festivities. At the conclusion of the event, we had a huge celebration with all the teams and parents congregating at the pool. The parents had a blast following and watching their kids compete in events all evening.

About the author
Kayla Webert