Idea Fair
Let the Skating Begin
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The closure of indoor dining was announced just as our weather turned wintry and cold. So our team was motivated to think creatively to develop a new winter themed Member experience. Our goal was to capitalize on our prior COVID successes while adapting a new approach to winter at PCC. So we stopped dwelling on things we couldn't control or ideas that seemed impossible to implement and instead we asked "WHY NOT?”. Why not take an empty parking lot, not currently utilized and because private dining is severely limited and install an amenity that provides our Members safe outdoor social recreation and entertainment. Something that gets Members of all ages excited to visit PCC.
The skating rink has enhanced the Club’s operation by achieving our goal to provide our Members safe outdoor social recreation and entertainment. The usage has been truly universal ranging from grandparents or parents enjoying a break with a child learning remotely to couples looking for an activity before dinner. It has also provided a way for us to still host traditional Member events like the father-daughter by turning it into a night of skating and provides the opportunity to create a new one.
How was this idea implemented and what have been the club members' reactions?
We chose a synthetic rink after looking at the three options and basing our decision on our climate, logistics & projected value. We repurposed an event room to serve as a skate rental / warming room. Daily reservations are available in 1 hour timeslots with a maximum of 15 skaters per session. Private parties include 1 hour of rink time for a maximum of 20 skaters followed by a served lunch in a separate area allowing for multiple bookings in a day. We offer a complimentary hot chocolate station daily for the kids and the adults are welcome to catch up over their favorite beverage as long as it is accompanied by a meal.
The reaction has been overwhelming positive and it has more than accomplished the goal. The success has been the Member excitement and participation. The skating rink has provided a safe sanctuary where our Members can be in good company.

About the author
Patrick Murphy